Chapter 3

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Elizabeth POV

As I walked into the park I could see Kyle the drop dead handsome star hockey player just sitting on a bench. " Hey Kyle ." i said as I walked over to him."Hey Elizabeth I need like two big favors from you please." The way he begged broke my heart so I quickly agreed and he continued. " So you know Amy right well she wants me to fake date you so she can get Xander away from you because your like his love/friend thing." I was shocked, well not really that bitch was evil and everyone says that about us. If only it was true."Okay and second thing you need?", " Y you kknow your friend Jackie please get her to date me please" i again was shocked I know Jackie loved him so this could work. "Okay I will deal with Amy, and you have my full blessing in the thing with Jackie." He beamed at me, but it was quickly filled with guilt."Amy is coming to teach you a lesson on getting between her man and her sorry," I laughed " I can totally handle that slut, but you go call Jackie." As he walked away I heard footsteps approach me. "So get a boyfriend now man stealer." Of course that whine voice is queen bitch Amy. " No actually wait yeah you seen Xander around." By the red tint of anger on he face I knew i hit the sensitive spot." You bitch I knew you were the reason!" As she finished she brought up her right hand and punched me right in the cheek." Ow damn Amy what the hell" I punch her right back, but now its a war and she came loaded. She pulls out something really shiny which I know is a pocket knife. I scream " Amy stop no AHHH" I wail as I feel the blade slice my side. " Bitch he is mine and you can't have him if i can't." I am clutching my side as it bleeds very bad and my vision goes a little hazy."Amy I never stole him you just lost him" I quickly used all the energy I could muster and kicked her in the mid gut. As she feel she blacked out and I slipped to the ground. "Liz Liz where the fuck are you ..," I could easily pick up the worried edge of this beautiful voice. "Xander what you doing.." my sentence slipped as I felt my world darken. The last thing i heard was Xander' scared  voice say " Liz if you die your taking me with you," and felt two strong warm arms wrap around me as the world went black.

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