Chapter 19

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Four months later (i know big time jump)

Xander POV

Today's the day we are finally leaving this horrid place called High School and going into our futures that we have wanted for ourselves forever. "Xander can you help me zip up my dress zipper is at the top of this dress not the middle its silly babe?" I walked into the bathroom to see Liz looking stunning on a tight green dress with a gold belt and black boot heels. She hadn't changed in the last four months same red and orange-yellow hair, you know it's kinda like that ombré hair except red, orange,yellow its hot to say the least. Now I on the other hand let my usually buzzy cut hair grow out a little so now I spike it with gel which my little Liz loves to style in mornings, or run her fingers through. Once I zipped her up and she fixes my green tie that matched her dress and we went to my car ready to finish our journey in high school for good. We were almost to the place the ceremony was being held when I heard Liz sigh before she spoke, "Xander are you sure you wanna go to Sam Houston Sate with me?" I looked over to my little angel grabbing her hand in mine lucky we were at the parking lot so I pulled into a free spot and parked the car in the lot. "Baby I wouldn't have it any other way we can get a sweet apartment and with our full ride academic scholarships paying for tuition and stuff nothing can stop us yet ok babe now I want that amazing smile up on your gorgeous face and that cap on your beautiful hair and let's get our graduation on yea baby." Liz nodded nervously doing as I asked of her and we walked hand in hand into the arena the graduation was taking place. We smiled at some friends we talked to, hugged our families, laughed at the picture slide show then our principal spoke. "Ok ok please sit in the chairs but by your last name in alphabetical order there is a card to help you find your chair thank you!" I looked on stage to see our principal on stage yelling at us like usual. "Bye Xander love you see you after ok." With a kiss on the cheek she walked away from me and I felt sad, like my better half was gone, but quickly covered it with a smile. "Hey dude this is exciting right I mean this is the end of this hell right." I looked over to Rich and smiled because we all (Brody, Jackie, Liz, Rich and I) are going to Sam in the fall together so we wouldn't be separated ever. "We'll it is something but I can't wait for the after party." Rich smiled and nodded us having a special secret in store for Liz and Brody. Which of course Jackie was in on completely I mean we needed a girly romantic side to our surprise. "Welcome to this years graduation I am Jackie nice to see ya all but I am the valedictorian so I have a speech to give." Jackie stood on stage as the graduation began. Now everyone was shocked she got that valedictorian job but what ever we're proud non the less. "Ok so I am gonna keep this short live your life to the fullest if you mess up or get lost along the way then come home and find yourself again because we're are gonna make mistakes take wrong trains and fall in love a lot so enjoy life but drink responsible please, wrap your things boys and my ladies who are 'sluts' regular STD checks are a must and a thank you." The principal hugged her whispering something that looked like 'wow classy' and gave her the diploma as the crowd of kids screamed their cheers but I saw Liz and Amy laugh there asses off.

Liz POV ( After graduation)

"Jackie your speech was epic girl best one I ever heard." She just laughed at me as we hugged everyone we knew and got pictures. This was it then we are done, as everyone got into there cars went to leave for the graduate party I was happy but Xander's been weird since we ended the ceremony. "Xander are you ok you seem worried? There's nothing to worry about baby life is great right now." We were in the car and I knew he was worried because he was just staring ahead unlike usual when he grabs my hand an drives. "I'm fine honey ok let's just get to the party." I nodded and looked out the window Xander has be awkward since graduation always patting his pocket and sayin he thought he lost his phone, or when I hugged him he wouldn't hug me tight line usual and he would say it was just that his back hurt. Really it's making me worried that he might be done with me. yet thats when I look at the simply band with a single diamond that he gave to me as a promise and smile knowing that he wasn't done with me yet. "Xander you know I love you right?" He laughed and I took that as his answer of a 'duh baby and I love you to'. So I leaned my head on the window as I slowly drifted to a dreamy sleep.

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