Chapter 22

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Elizabeth POV


"Babe please I can't sleep without you. Guys please don't make him leave me please." Yes today was the day Jackie and Brody were forcing Xander out of our home and into Rich's flat. I couldn't help it I was in tears trying to run after Xander to bring him back to me and he was standing there was in pain as Rich pulled him away from Jackie and Brody who were holding me. "Please just let go and let me see Xander for a simple little second." Jackie looked at Brody and they nodded letting me go. Faster than I have ever ran before and I ran to Xander's strong waiting arms. "Lizzie baby please it's two nights then we get to spend forever together ok.'' Xander's soft and familiar voice calmed me down and I nodded into his chest causing him to softly sigh. "Here I was gonna give you this before the wedding but here." I watched as he pulled a small green clover bear out of his bag. "It's a Irish luck bear I know you love Ireland and that's where we going to honeymoon so I got this bear just for you." I smiled and hugged the bear which much to my heartbreak smelt just like my Xander. This made me whimper pulling him back into me for a hug thanking him and holding the bear close. We stayed there for a while his arms tight around my waist, and me cuddled deep into his chest listening to our three friends talk. Soon with a final loving kiss goodbye Xander left and I walked into the house. "Oh smile Liz it's just two nights of solid fun ok what do you wanna do first, we can bake cookies, watch movies anything so what do you want to do?" I just laughed at their eagerness to try and keep me smiling so I simply said let's play Wii. So we set it up quickly deciding on playing the best game ever on Wii Just Dance 4. I went to dance first and played One Direction of course getting the high score. Soon we had danced to half the songs and we sang along to every single one until we ended up playing game until we passed out. So I fell asleep on the couch cuddled into my new bear dreaming of my beautiful wedding to come.


Xander POV

I know it's stupid but I am having Elizabeth Wright withdraw symptoms. I have been moping around Rich's flat, I started crying once at a picture that was in my wallet and then again at the wallpaper of us cuddled together on my phone. It was a very hard night of bittersweet pain. I know that I slept only about three hours last night because I could not get comfy without a beautiful red hard curled into me. Rich keeps trying to be supportive but I know he wishes I could be smiling like normal but you try living with only one half of your soul it doesn't really work. "Xander you will see her down at the beautiful altar tomorrow just breathe man." I nodded but the smile hadn't grown on my face since I had left our house yesterday. "I have a great idea Xander just wait one minute." I watched Rich leave the room and I could hear him talking to someone, but I couldn't care less sadly though I caught some of the conversation and it was awkward. "Yea I know but he is miserable." "I know she is too, but babe maybe it will help her." "Come on please it will make things easier." I heard him shout a YES and hang up the phone as footsteps walk back into the room. Not really noticing of course due to my own self lonely party. I was literally hollow without Lizzie oh my sweet, sweet Liz. "Xander mate here is your phone ok answer the next call you get." I nodded not even questioning it waiting for the phone to ring. It was about three minutes since Rich left that my phone rang but the number was a blocked call. "Um hello?" I could hear sniffles and then the voice of an angel spoke in my ear. "H-hey baby how are you doing?" I wanted to run to our home wrap her in my arms and never leave her again. "Oh Lizzie angel I miss you so much I wish I could be holding on to you right now, but I cannot wait till I see you in that sexy dress tomorrow." I heard that cute little giggle I fell so hard for and then she started rambling about how he was a dancing master or how her day was. I just let her talk and laugh at her own jokes only commenting when I had to. I was just glad to have her voice in my ears again. As cliché as it sound like beautiful music to my ears. Sooner than I wanted she said she had to hang up and slowly we hung up the phone. Though my smile well that stayed permanent. Tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life.

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