Chapter 20

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Rich POV

Ok this is the moment I start my future with the love of my life. "Rich why did we leave the party?" Brody looked like a angel on earth in this moon light. "Well Brody we went to the front woods thing place to um talk." Brody froze looked at me then started crying and that startled because I never like to see my baby cry. I quickly grabbed him in a tight hug not caring if he felt the box in my pocket, not caring about anything but him and filling him with the peace he needed. "Hey honey why are you crying shhhh your fine everything is fine.'' Brody snapped out of our hug looking plain appalled, "Fine, I cant believe that you thinking of plain like dumping me on my ass is anywhere close to FINE YOUR A JERK!" It was now my turn to be appalled at his statement, as I fumbled over my words falling to my knees on the ground. I tried to hold in my tears as I spoke to Brody but wasn't successful. "Leave you why would I leave the angel set in earth for me?" Brody smiled as I continued to cry on my knees, but now he was on his knees hugging me as I cried at the thought of living with out my Brody. "Hon I am so sorry you were just acting so weird all day and then we come out here 'to talk' I got insecure I am so sorry." I just nodded and took a deep breathe wiping the tears off Brody's face him doing the same for me. "Brody I understand ok I really do, but I had to act weird because I worked and planned a giant surprise out for us well mostly you but I really hope that I prayed hard enough and you will love." Brody laughed and hugged my tight but he must not have felt the thing in my pocket just yet because knowing him he would have questioned it immediately. "Of course I will love it if you put so much thought into it you silly and you hiding this wasn't really necessary." I nodded thinking over what I planned early this week with Xander and Jackie, but sadly i'm coming up blank on it all. Oh well I guess it's coming straight out of my heart. "Brody love stand up and turn around for me." Brody nodded and did as I asked when he did I slipped into my position on the ground one knee up, one knee down. I pulled the box out of my coat pocket opened it and told Brody to turn. As he did and saw my position and the little velvet box in my hand and gasped "Rich oh my god!"

Elizabeth POV


"Liz babe I need to tell you some stuff so stand up really quickly." She looked worried but stood anyway but as she did I quickly threw a rock in the direction of the building and as she turned I took my position. She turned back and gasped at me.


I heard this like rock drop or get tossed something. So naturally I turned to see if someone had come outside with us. When I didn't see anyone I simply turned back around and gasped at the sight that I saw. "Xander what on earth are you doing sitting like that?" I know how it looked but I questioned him not wanting to get my hopes up to get let down. Yet seeing my beautiful boyfriend on the ground, resting on one knee smiling his make your heart melt smile. I mean I know we talked about marriage after we had graduation but I can't believe he picked literally right after our graduation. "Well I believe when I man gets on his one knee in front of a gorgeous girl they love with all there heart and then more, some and yet he doesn't have a shoe to retie. Then that means they are possible trying to show, the love of there life, just how much they love them." I started to cry as my suspicion was sounding correct as Xander was right in this moment, by the lake and under the stars, proposing in a very romantic way. "Now baby there isn't any years yet honey because we have a long speech I got to say it all from the heart you know I put a lot of time into it." I started laughing at him and blushing up a storm. "Well go on with it you sexy man you.'' I saw Xander take a deep breathe and look me straight in the eyes and started his speech.

Brody POV


Brody nodded and did as I asked when he did I slipped into my position on the ground one knee up, one knee down. I pulled the box out of my coat pocket opened it and told Brody to turn. As he did and saw my position and the little velvet box in my hand and gasped "Rich oh my god!"

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