39 kylian mbappe

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"stop it ky, you are being so dramatic. i just lost track of time that's all." you told your boyfriend kylian. you had just been out with friends for five or six hours, honestly, you weren't too sure but your phone had died and there was no way to charge it. kylian, who had stayed in all night, was extremely worried when you hadn't texted back for a while. frantically calling and texting you, he had before angered and frustrated.
"i am sorry i was worried about you y/n, it had been two hours how did you expect me to react." he said, his voice slightly raised in annoyance.
"not like this." you said walking into the kitchen and plugging your dead phone on charge.
"there. happy now?" you said bitterly. kylian shook his head as she sat on the living room's seat.
"extremely happy. happier than i have ever been." kylian responded sarcastically.
"you're pathetic kylian." you scoffed making your way to the bedroom.

as you walked up to the bedroom, you heard the loud footsteps of your boyfriend following you. he muttered to himself harshly before reaching you on the stairs. his hand took your, spinning you to face him.
"why are you like this tonight hm? you would do the exact same if it was me." kylian said. you yanked your hand away from kylian and turned around, ignoring him and walking into the bedroom. yet, he still followed you.
"leave me be kylian, why are you dragging this on? my phone ran out. that's all. stop trying to make it so deep." you said walking over to your side of the bed and sitting down on it. you slipped your shoes off and placed them neatly on the floor.
"because i was fucking worried about you. that's why y/n." kylian said through clenched teeth. he slowly made his way over to you.
"it's so big deal." you said shrugging your shoulders.
"you, y/n, you are a self centred, narcissistic, bitch." kylian spat at you, his finger pointing closely to your face. he turned around, storming out the bedroom.

you took a deep breath, processing the ugly words that just came out of kylian's mouth. of course his words did hurt but you never, ever let it show. he would apologise sooner or later. you understood where he was coming from i mean, if it was him, you would have done the same but you would never had reacted like that. you slipped your dress off as well as your underwear before walking into the on-suit-bathroom. you turned on the shower and stood under the fresh, warm water cleaning yourself.

once you had washed your hair and felt refreshed, you got out of the shower with a cotton, white towel wrapped around your body. you grabbed a pain of pyjama bottoms and one of kylian's shirts and got dressed. you massaged some smooth moisturiser into your skin before leaving the bedroom and walking downstairs. you could hear the noises of kylian's ps4 controller clicking and buzzing away. as you walked into the livingroom where kylian sat. his eyes flickered from to to the tv then back to you, emotionless, he looked you up and down before turning his attention back to the tv. you shook her head and walked into the kitchen where you began to look through the fridge, deciding what you wanted to eat. after a couple minutes you decided on strawberrys as you pulled them out of the fridge. closing the door, kylian stood behind it. you jumped back in surprise.

"hi." kylian said softly, his hand fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
"hi ky." you replied giving him a small smile and opening the packet of strawberries. the silence was loud in the kitchen. only the running tap of water could be heard. after you had washed all the strawberries, you placed them back on the counter. you looked up at kylian, who was still following your every move.
"do you want something." you asked breaking the awkwardness.
"no." kylian responded plainly. you nodded before opening the cutlery drawer and bringing out a knife. you turned around to grab the cutting board but, kylian had already placed it on the counter.
"thank you." you muttered taking a freshly washed strawberry and cutting the stem off.

"look y/n, i didn't mean what i said and you know that right." kylian said sudden swallowing hard.
"i know kylian." you answered.
"i am sorry. i really am." kylian said apologetically."
"it's okay. i'm sorry too for not finding a way to contact you." you said. a silence took over the kitchen again.
"i love you y/n. i love you the most." kylian said taking a small step closer to you. you smiled placing the strawberry covered knife down on the counter. you turned to look at your boyfriend as he took yet another step closer to you. his face just above yours.
"i love you too. a lot. more than you know." you replied wrapping your arms around his shoulders as his arms slid down your waist, tightly squeezing you. kylian kissed your cheek before pulling away from you, as he did, he slipped a couple strawberries into his mouth.

you gasped playfully, pretending to be hurt.
"is that all you hugged me for?" you said wiping fake tears.
"yes," kylian said giggling, "now hurry up and cut those strawberries i wanna beat your ass in fifa." kylian said walking back into the seating area.
"i wouldn't miss it for the world." you said scooping all the cut strawberries into a bowl and racing into the living room.

hey ! this was a request from SamahSameh6 i hope you enjoy !!

please keep dropping requests <333

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