29 takumi minamino

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you woke up, your eyes fluttering open with the sun shining brightly into your bedroom window. you rolled over to give your regular morning kisses to your boyfriend takumi but you noticed he wasn't there. you were in your bed, alone, no one to treat with your fantastic morning cuddles. you grabbed your phone from the nightstand next to you to check the time, your phone read 8:47am. this was way to early for takumi to be up. curiosity took over you and you pushed yourself out of bed and grabbed one of takumi's hoodies which was hanging on the back of the door and slipped it on. takumi's jumpers were a lot bigger on you which made you feel so warm and comfortable. you walked out from your room and looked around upstairs for a little bit, checking the spare room, the upstairs bathroom and even the storage closet. with no luck finding him you creeped downstairs and walked straight into the kitchen. the cold tile floor hit your bare feet causing you to shiver. the heating wasn't even on. you walked into the livingroom which was conjoined onto the kitchen and there sat a snoring but cute takumi sleeping peacefully on the couch, there were dark bags under his eyes and his ps4 was still on. had he even come back to bed last night after giving you a goodnight kiss.

you admired takumi's features just for a couple minutes. he was just so adorable, you were so lucky to have such an angel like him. you walked over to the main playstation console, switching it off so he wouldn't be tempted to play it again once you woke him up. sitting next to him softly not to cause him to stir, you shook his shoulder lightly. no movement.
"takumi sweetheart," you spoke loud enough for his eyes to open. he was now awake.
"hrmg," he groaned getting used to the soft sunlight beaming through the window. you chuckled slightly.
"what time did you go to bed at last night?" you asked him, he looked at you with obvious regret in his eyes.
"around half six," he said moving his body more towards you burying his head in your chest. you gasped playfully, causing him to smile into your chest.
"you should get to bed and if you go now maybe i'll lay with you." you said his head now leaving you chest, he smiled and nodded in response.

takumi grabbed your hand as you were both walking upstairs, he lead you to the bedroom where he lazily dropped himself face down onto the messy bed you had awoke from 20 minutes earlier. you laughed and climbed in next to him, his head was immediately put into the crook of your neck. his soft breaths brushing against it.
"you didn't even get my morning cuddles," you said to him. he laughed sleepily.
"i am getting them now babygirl," takumi said pressing a kiss to your neck and again his face hurried into your neck. you heard him yawn.
"i love you," you said running your hand gliding through his soft hair. you were answered by the soft noise of sleepy snores. he was your sleepy baby.

heyy, this one was so fun to write🥺🥺 i'll have another couple imagines coming for you tomorrow.

remember requests are still open ::)))

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