35 riqui puig

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ricard passed the ball to you softly, you passed it back trying to get a rhythm going. all through quarantine, your boyfriend had been practically begging for you to get up and play football with you. you had always said no because football just wasn't your thing, you were a supporter not a player. he passed the ball back to you as you passed it back, you were trying your best.
"see y/n! you are a natural." riqui said making your face light up in delight. the ball went back and forth between you and ricard before he picked up the ball and placed it under his arm.
"so how about some keep ups now y/n?" ricard said excitedly making you shake your head.
"i can't even control the ball, how am i supposed to do keep ups?" you said making riqui laugh.
"look i'll teach you, it's not that hard okay now watch." your boyfriend said dropping the ball onto the grass. he flipped the ball into the air with his foot before carelessly kicking the ball up. you watched in amazement as he kept the ball up with ease, switching from his left foot to right foot. he kicked the ball up higher into the air before catching it.
"there is no way i will be able to do that." you said as ricard passed the ball to you.
"okay look use this part of your foot to flick it up." ricard said pointing to the front part of his feet. taking a deep breath, you attempted to flick the ball up but failed miserably as the ball didn't lift from the ground.

ricard covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing before walking across the backyard to get the ball. he rolled it over to you as you stopped it with the ball of your feet.
"will we do some 1 v 1's now bebé?" riqui asked you, you shrugged not 100% sure what was about to happen.
"okay y/n just, try get past me." he said making your eyes widen. he was a professional, there was no way you were getting round him.
"look i'll go easy on you, i promise." ricard said flashing a cheeky smile before motioning for you to come forward with his hands.

you lightly tapped the ball in front of you, giving it a little bit of movement. as you moved in closer to your boyfriend, the more concentrated his face became. he was not going easy on you. you made a dash with the ball to try get around him but with easy he easily kicked the ball from you.
"try harder entrenadora lenta." ricard said teasingly as he got the ball and passed it back to the starting position. you tried again, this time making a dart to the other side, which once again, he got very easily. you tried again, alternating from side to side, desperate to get round ricard. he was starting to become cocky which made you want to get round him even more.

he rolled the ball to you once again, a small smirk plastered on his face.
"come in then y/n." he said mockingly as you began to make your way towards him. you had a plan, and you were certain it would work.

you moved closer to one side, as if you were about to make a run but this time you pretended to roll your ankle. you fell to the ground in "pain."
"ah! y/n? are you okay ángel? what did you do." he said lunging towards you and crouching down. you fake hissed and groaned as you held your ankle.
"i don't know riqui, i just-" in that moment where your boyfriend was so vulnerable you tapped the ball through his legs before pushing yourself up quickly and making a dash around him to get the ball.

just as you were certain you had gotten past him two arms snaked around your waist, ranking you backward. you squirmed as ricard held tightly onto you, he took you onto the floor where he positioned himself above you.
"did you really think you could get away with that?" ricard said with a laugh. you frowned.
"what i didn't fool you?" you asked him making him smile.
"oh no you definitely did but there was no way in hell, you were getting past me chica." he said pressing a kiss your your cheek.

you breathed heavily as the adrenaline of that last run was just calming down. you and ricard still lay down on the grass, the sun beating down on you both. you felt ricard's hand glide over yours, he intertwined his fingers with yours and lay the conjoined hands on his stomach.
"i love you riqui." you said quietly, just so ricard could hear it and no more.
"i love you more my corazón." he said turning to look as you. you did the same as you looked into each other's eyes.
hey!!! this is just a imagine request i had, sorry it's so short i am just trying to get into the swing of writing imagines as i have a few more coming.

if you have any requests make sure to send them in PLUS don't be shy with them give me a challenge.

thank you <333

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