Chapter 21

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Merle's POV
"I was right man and you didn't listen to me!" Shane yelled at Rick.

"We didn't know the locks would break man!" Rick spat right back.

It had been going on like this for about an hour now, and I was getting fucking tired of it. Hershel wanted us off his land by tomorrow, said we were a danger to his family or some shit. All of a sudden Rick and Shane started yelling at the same time bitching about every little thing. "You guys are acting like a bunch of five year olds," yelled Elena. "Just shut the fuck up and we'll figure this out later." Shane huffed, grabbed Elena's hand, and stormed away.

I got up and went over to Daryl's tent before Rick could start bitchin to me too. "Hey Daryl." I said when I got to where he was making arrows outside the tent.

He nodded, "What you want Merle?"

"Just wanted to see how Ciara was doing, is all."

"She's sleeping," he spat.

"What's got you all riled up baby brother?"

He stood up and glared at me. "I think you know, what happened at the barn, those things you said."

I smirked. "And your starting to think I'm right."

"She ain't ever leaving me for you," he snarled.

"You're a Dixon, sooner or later your gonna fuck up and that girls not gonna have anyone one else to go back to but me."

"Get the fuck out of here Merle!" He yelled.

I laughed and threw my hands up in surrender. "Whatever baby brother." With that I turned and walked away.

Ciara's POV
I jolted awake from voices yelling out side my tent. "She ain't ever leaving me for you," it was Daryl, was he talking about me?

"Your a Dixon," it was Merle. "Sooner or later your gonna fuck up and that girls not gonna have anyone else to go back to but me."

"Get the fuck out of here Merle!" Daryl screamed. Merle muttered something and I heard him walk away. They were talking about me like I was theirs to own, like they controlled me. Angry now, I unzipped the tent and stormed away from a very shocked looking Daryl. "Ciara! Wait!"

I ignored him and kept walking, all of a sudden I was pulled to a halt, I turned to see Daryl holding onto my arm. "What the hell do you want Dixon!" I spat.

He stepped back a bit, hurt. "Just listen to me Ciara, just let me explain."

I was fuming, trying not to cry. "Explain what Daryl! That you and Merle just think I'm some dumb toy you can toss around!"

He scratched his neck, "It ain't like that Cici. I ain't ever think of you like that, I love-"

"Don't," I spat. "Don't say things you don't even understand." I turned and walked away.

"I'm sorry!" Daryl yelled.

"Bullshit." I said flipping him off, not even bothering to look back at him. I walked to the campfire and saw Carol cooking, "Carol?" I asked, my voice cracked and I could feel the tears finally falling.

She looked from her cooking and her face fell. "Oh honey, what happened."

I sniffed. "Dixon's being Dixon's, don't know when to shut their mouths."

She pulled me into a hug, "Come on, help me cook, it'll take your mind off things."

I nodded, "And Carol?" She looked up again. "Do you think I can stay in your tent tonight?"

The Two Dixons ( Merle and Daryl Dixon fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now