Life Is Unfair

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Something is really wrong with me! Why the fuck can't I forgive him? I love him so much but it's so hard to forgive him. Everything would be better with him. But I can't trust him and trust is the most important thing in a relationship.
Shit, life is unfair!

"Where's Harry?" Ashton asks as he comes in my room.

"Harry is gone..." I whisper and look at my wedding ring. Just now I notice what I've just done..
Did I really just broke up with him? Forever? Do I really wanna throw all these beautiful years away?

I take the ring off and throw it away as I let out a loud and painful scream and feel millions of tears running down my cheeks

"I don't need this anymore! It's over! Forever!" I shout and for some reason I just can't control myself. The tears won't stop, my heart is beating extremely fast and it's like my body's doing whatever it wants. I'm moving up and down but I can't stop it. It's like I'm completely freaking out

"Hey! Brook! Calm down" Ash yells and tries to hold me which must be pretty hard because for some reason I suddenly have lots of power which I use to push him away from me.

About 10 minutes later I find myself in my bed. Ashton wrapped his muscular arms tight around me which made me calm down a little bit.

"Ashton... Ha sad he doesn't want to live without me. What does that mean?" I ask still having a whiny voice

"I'm sure he just said that. But... He really misses you Brook"

"I know..." I stutter and feel again a few tears

"His sentence just won't get out of my head"

"What did he say?" Ash asks as I feel one of his fingers caressing my hands carefully

"He said that... He doesn't want to live without me and that he would die for me.. I'm worried about him. What if he does something to himself?"

"Aw honey I'm sure he just said that.. He'll be okay. He just needs some time"

"I hope you're right..." I mumble and feel my eyes getting heavy till I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning in Ash's arms. He's still holding me tight as I try to get out of bed very very quietly.

"Brook" Ashton mumbles with a tired voice

"Dang it" I chuckle and turn around to him

"Good morning. I gotta bring Jake to school" I say and make my way in Jake's room

"Morning Jakey" I smile and switch the light on

"Jake" I walk to his bed and put carefully a bit of his blanket away and instantly get a massive shock

"Jake??" I shout and throw the blanket away to look at a completely empty bed!

"Jake!" My voice gets louder with every second as I hear someone talking downstairs.
I run in Alice's room but as I see that she's not here either, I kinda get in panic and run downstairs in the living room

"Jake!!" I yell and look at the TV which is on.

"I'm here mom" I hear Jake's quiet voice and run to the entrance door where I see Jake with his backpack on his back, his shoes and jacket on and Alice on his arm

"Mom we gotta hurry! School starts in 10 minutes" Jake shouts and looks at my shoes and jacket he put on a little chair

"Oh okay" I chuckle and try to hurry.

After I brought Jake to school, I went grocery shopping with Alice to cook for Ash and me but as I got back home, Ashton wasn't there anymore. I texted him and he told me he had to leave for a meeting so I made breakfast for myself.


I just sat down on the couch with Alice as I hear my phone ringing


"Hello, Mrs Styles. It's Mrs Parker." A friendly voice greets me as I instantly stand up and feel my heart beating a little bit quicker. Why's Jake's class teacher calling me?

"Did something happen?" I ask and already grab my shoes, getting ready to look for Jacob.

"He's. Umm.. mrs Styles.. Jacob got hurt" mrs Parker stutters. I've never ever heard her stuttering before and her voice sounds so sad, it's confusing me.

"What happened? Is he okay??"

"No.. Well.. He's sitting next to me"

"Oh okay I'm on my way! I'll be there in 10 minutes. Thanks Mrs Parker, thanks for calling!" I hang up the phone and instantly grab our jackets before Alice and I get in the car.

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