We'll Make It

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"We'll make it" Harry whispers and hugs me tight as we both wave at Louis and Jake while they leave.

"B-but... But what if not?" I stutter and instantly regret that question

"Hey, don't think like that" Harry says and takes my hand. He closes the door and we both go inside.

"I'll fight against this stupid cancer and all I need is your support okay?"

I just nod and kiss him as I hear Alice crying.

"I'll look for her" Harry smiles and goes upstairs as I start to make lunch for Harry and Alice.

While making lunch, I suddenly notice Harry's phone vibrating.

"Lindsey.." I mumble and look on the screen.

Who the heck is Lindsey?

For a few seconds I think about picking up the phone and start yelling at that mysterious lady but I don't. I ignore the phone and act like nothing happened.

"Here you go" Harry smiles and sits Alice in her pink highchair

"Can I help you with something?"

"N-no thanks" I smile and keep cooking.

"It's nothing special today" I say as I finished and put the soup on the table as I see Harry taking his phone support by a smile.

Why is he smiling?
Because of that Lindsey girl??

"Harry, you have to tell the others" I say to make his weird smile stop and look at my bloody t-shirt. I should've changed it already but somehow I forgot it.

"I know" Harry gives back with a quiet voice and takes the spoon to start eating.

"I'll do it tonight. Is it okay when they come over for dinner?"

"Sure" I answer quick and sit down next to Alice who just smiles at me.

"Can we please change the theme?" I ask because I hate talking about cancer. Actually this whole situation drives me crazy. What if I lose Harry? I can't just live without him! That's not possible!

"Yeah sure... Um what about we go in our park tomorrow with the kids? We put some warm clothes on, take some food with us and just walk around and spend time with the family? Dave will probably come with us."

"Sounds good" I say and take a sip of my tea which I just made

"Don't you wanna eat?" Harry asks and looks at the empty plate in front of me.

"I'm not that hungry" I mumble as Harry instantly stands up and gives me a bit of the soup.

"Eat anyways. Please" he says and sits down again.


One week later in the evening....

"I go now babe" Harry whispers and walks to me while I'm watching the news in the living room.

"Where are you going?" I ask and stand up

"Club night with Nialler"

That's all Harry says as I start making circles with my fingers on his muscular back.

"Don't leave me" I whisper and kiss my beautiful husband softly but with passion

"Brookie.." Harry whispers with a small smile on his face as I stat to think about how the fuck he could get through 6 months without having sex?!?

"Harry, please" I whisper right in his ear as he shakes his head, pulls me closer to him and kisses me as I hear someone calling Harry's full name outside.

"When will you be back?" I ask and walk to the door, holding Harry's hand as much as I can.

"We won't stay that long. We'll be back at 1:00" Harry answers

"Okay" I smile and kiss Harry a last time before he leaves the house.
Instead of closing the entrance door and continuing watching the news, I just stare at Harry getting inside Niall's car.

"I love you baby!" He shouts before he closes the door and I just see him waving from the inside of the car.
I don't know what I'd do without him. He's my everything. He's everything I've ever dreamed of. He's the love of my life!

As I finally close the entrance door and go inside again, I hear my phone ringing on the dining table.

"Hello?" I answer the phone call and instantly smile as I notice who's calling.

"Hi mommy" I hear Jake's lovely voice

"Jake baby, why are you still awake?"

"Just wanted to say thank you for letting me sleep at uncle Ash's house" Jake says as I instantly imagine a picture of Ashton sitting next to him in bed with a hug smile on his face.

"No need to thank me, darling" I whisper as I hear Jake yawning.

"Goodnight tiger" I smile

"Good night mommy. I love you"

"I love you too" I say and hang up the phone before getting ready for bed.

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