Chapter 60

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*Karen's Point of View*

I opened my eyes and I was in a grass field, the air was filled with a light floral perfume scent and the wind blew softly. My soft red curls bounced in the wind as I sat up. I looked down and saw my stomach was flat. "Where am I?" I asked myself. "Hey Karen." I looked up and saw a giant baby standing in front of me. "Did my parents eat all the food and become pigs?" the baby shook it's head "This isn't Spirited Away bitch." I shrugged "I felt the need to ask okay?" "Follow me." I stood up and followed the baby as she quickly walked. "Are you Bay?" she shook her head. "Karen we both know who I am." she stopped walking and faced me. I stared up into her hazel eyes and it came to me. I was with myself. "I was a pretty cute baby." my baby self nodded "Just be happy this isn't the weirdest dream you had." "Yea the clown 1974 asylum was pretty weird." "What about the planet of the duckie?" I nodded "Why do I have weird dreams?" she shrugged "You should ask a therapist" I shrugged "I mean I guess I should." she rolled her eyes and stuck her hand out. I smiled and took it. "This is really weird." "It's gonna get weirder Karen." I groaned and baby self started pulling me towards a familiar looking house.

"Where are we?" "Look over there." baby self pointed over to a yard where 2 small boys were playing together. "Is that Mike and Vic?" she nodded "Aw I keep forgetting how cute my man was." baby self shrugged "You might not want to stare though." "Wh-" my question was interrupted by baby self dropping my hand and she started running away as fast as her chubby little baby legs could carry her. I looked over my shoulder to see baby Mike and Vic were gone. I faced forward again to see them standing in front of me. "Oh hi boys." I smiled. Vic looked up at me with a twisted smile forming on his lips to expose two rows of straight sharp shiny teeth. "Oh this is like the dream I had after I watched Silence of the Lamb for the first time. You guys are gonna eat me aren't you?" Vic nodded slowly "Well Victor, after having that dream I did learn one thing, my mom is always here when I have a nightmare. One thing I've learned from being a mother is that if you push a baby down it takes them a while to get up so theres that." I pushed Vic down and Mike stared up at me smiling to expose normal looking teeth, "You're not gonna eat me are you?" he shook his head and I shrugged "Nothing to lose." I picked him up and started running after my baby self. Mike cheered "Vicky is till one te round!"

I caught up to my baby self and we all ran into a small building. "Here Karen, we have to kill it before it kills us." she handed me a Civil War era riffle "Oh god I am on drugs." "Shoot on sight." she hand baby Mike what looked like a lazer gun and she picked up a baseball bat. "We onna dies!" Mike squealed as we ran outside. Vic was still laying on the ground from when I pushed him. "THIS IS PATRICK!" I screamed as me and my baby self ran towards him. Mike was shooting his lazer and baby self was swinging her baseball bat.

Before we could attack Vic my vision went white and when I opened my eyes I was laying in my high school bedroom. I tried to get up but my legs and stomach hurt a very familiar pain. I pushed my comforter away and saw a giant bruise on my stomach. "Oh no i'm 16 again." I heard someone softly singing in the bathroom. "Tony?" I called "Yea?" he answered after a minute. "What day is it?" "October 15 2003." "Thanks." "No prob, you want a ride to school?" "No i'm good. Wheres mom?" "Work." "Okay."

I stayed where I was until I heard Tony leave the house. I got out of bed and slowly walked into the bathroom. I was as bad as I remembered from this day. Black eye. Busted lip. Bruises on my stomach and thighs. I don't remember who did this to me, I ignored the feeling and walked into my bedroom again. I quickly found a pair of jeans and a cute blue tank top. It was slightly low cut but I did remember this being a cute outfit in high school. I pulled the clothes on followed by a pair of black vans and my leather jacket. I applied enough makeup to cover everything and quickly curled my hair before picking up my bag and walking out of the house and down the street to my best friend Cat's house.

"Hey shortie." she smiled at me when she walked outside. "Hey." we started walking towards school. It was a comfortable silent walk. "So you gonna come to Vinna's tonight?" I shrugged "Maybe." we walked into the halls of Bay View High School. "Ug it's that dumb ass group again." I looked to where she had looked away in disgust. It was Mike and Casey along with a few other boys. "What's so bad about them?" "Karen. They're total stoners. They all have nasty tattoos and look at them. When was the last time they fucking showered." "Cat they are people if you haven't realized that." "Well looks like someone's gonna ruin their life." she laughed and walked past me flipping her blond hair over her shoulder. I shrugged and walked up to them. "Hi." I smiled at Mike. He looked at the other guys, "Are you lost little girl?" I shook my head "I just wanted to say hi." "Well you did." one of the other guys piped in. I looked over my shoulder and saw a very angry boy walking towards me. "So do you guys know where I can get pot?" "Straight forward. I like it." Casey nudged Mike. "Well I do. Only if you're not a nark." "Just because i'm little-" "Don't talk to her you freaks." the boy pulled on my arm dragging me towards the other end of the hall way "SHE SAID HI FIRST MAN." Mike called as he pulled me away.

"What the fuck was that about Karen?!" he whisper yelled at me. "They seemed like cool guys." his hand collided with my face making a loud noise. "You don't do anything without MY permission." I nodded feeling scarred immediately. "Good. Now I'll walk you to your first period." he put his arm around my shoulders as we walked past Mike and Casey. I looked down at the ground and felt the boy's arm being yanked off of my shoulders. "What the hell ass hat. You don't fucking hit girls." I looked up and saw Mike push him against the lockers before his fist collided with the guys face. Casey pulled me to the side and wrapped his arms around my shoulders protectively as Mike and the guys fought. I buried my face into Casey's chest and took in the relaxing scent of old spice and pot.

When I opened my eyes I was laying in a plush bed I looked up at the wall and realized I was in Mike's old apartment. I looked down to see I was in one of his hoodies and Mike was no where to be seen. "Mike?" I called. I got out of bed and felt a sticky substance go around my feet. I looked down to see it was red. "MIKE!" I yelled and followed the trail of blood. It lead to a bathroom where Mike leaned against the bathtub lifeless with his wrists bleeding out. "MIKE!" I screamed and ran to him. I knew he was dead but that didn't stop me shaking him trying to make him wake up. "Karen, baby wake up. I have someone who wants to meet their mommy." "Mike?" I called "Mommy ake up." "Sam?" "She'll wake up soon Sammy bear I promise." "Babe why don't you go find Uncle Vic?" "Otay daddy." "Mike. It's been a month." "She's going to wake up. She promised she'd never leave me." "Mi-" "Mama I love you but can you just go?" "Okay baby..." I ran out of the bathroom and down the hall to the front door of Mike's apartment and tried to open the door. It didn't budge. "Hey baby... it's me Mike. The doctors say you're gonna wake up and I believe them. Karen please Bay needs her mom and so does Sam. I can't do this on my own. You need to wake up Karen. Please wake up."

I pulled at the door some more and it didn't budge. "Open!" I screamed at it. I gave up and moved to the windows. None of them opened, "God dam it!" "Need some help there?" I looked over my shoulder to see my dad. "Daddy?" I couldn't help but smile "Hey princess." he walked towards me. "Daddy, I think i'm in a coma." he nodded "You are sweet heart." "How did this happen?" "You're heart almost gave out princess, according to the doctor you're body is still healing." I nodded "I want to wake up now." he nodded "That's all I needed to hear baby girl." he walked towards the front door and I followed close on his tail. "It was locked baby." he opened the door and I looked out the door to see Mike pacing in front of a hospital bed cradling a small bundle in his arms. "I wish I could meet all those kids." my dad seemed upset. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Don't cry baby, you're way to gorgeous to ever cry." he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple. "Now go and love that child." I nodded "I love you daddy." "I love you too princess." I hugged him back and walked through the door.


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