Chapter 8

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Mike’s Point of View

~A Couple Hours Later~

We all ran off the stage. I moved my hair out of my face and looked by Casey to see if Karen was stilling standing with him. She wasn’t there. “Hey Casey where’d Karen go?” he looked up from his phone “To go pee or to see blessthefall. I don’t remember which.” I nodded.

“Karen?” Tony called out again. We were looking for her but we couldn’t find her anywhere. I finally saw her bright red hair in a group of people laughing. “We finally found you best friend.” Jaime said putting his arm around her shoulders. “Bitch please she’s my best friend.” some guy with a lip ring said pulling Karen into his side. Karen laughed. “Well boys these are some old friends from art school who just happened to live in Idaho.” the guys started talking to each other but I just stood there emotionless, I mean come on this guy has his arm around MY girl. “Well not that I wouldn’t love to stay and chat but I have to go home to Bailey and give Ruby a bath.” one of the guys said grabbing lip ring guy. “Bye Karen, I LOVE YOU FIVEVER!” ling ring guy said before running off with married guy. I rolled my eyes. That was cheesy I mean come on. We all started walking back to the bus and Karen jumped up on my back. I chuckled and took the opportunity to touch her thighs.

Karen’s Point of View

We got back to the bus and I jumped off Mike’s back and walked into the bunk area, Mike followed me. “So you wanna go after the guys leave to Asking’s bus?” I nodded and Mike smiled. This was going to be a fun night I knew it.

Tony’s Point of View

“So you guys ready?” Vic asked me and Jaime. We nodded, “Mike?” I called out. “Yeah?” he asked walking out of the bunk area. “You gonna come to Asking’s with us?” “Naw me and Karen are gonna watch a Harry Potter marathon, as friend. Don’t worry I won’t try anything.” I nodded “Okay then see you in a few hours.” Jaime responded. We walked off the bus leaving Mike alone with my little sister.I don’t think I have anything to worry about right?

Karen’s Point of View

I heard the bus door open and close signaling me and Mike were alone on the bus. I peaked out of my bunk and saw Mike sitting in the front lounge waiting for me. I smiled to myself and changed out of my clothes and pulled on a pair of tights along with a spiderman tank top and a pair of super high waisted shorts. I hopped out of my bunk and pulled on my combat boots and a really big hoodie. I walked out to the front lounge and Mike stood up. I giggled at his nervousness and we walked off the bus. We walked in a comfortable silence. I stood close to him hoping he get the message to hold my hand. He did, I smiled and enlaced our fingers together.

Mike’s Point of View

I was holding Karen close to me while we walked through a pretty big park. We ended up walking to a little play ground. “Would you like to swing?” I asked Karen. She nodded giggling, I chuckled and we ran off to the swing set. I beat her and pulled her up on my lap, she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck. I put my hands on her waist. I looked up into gorgeous brown eyes and she looked right back into mine. “No don’t steal my soul.” I laughed out breaking the silence. “Oh wow Mike, I’m not even a natural red head.” “But you’re a ginger you could still steal my soul if you wanted.” she playfully hit my arm and I chuckled playfully hitting her back. She giggled and jumped off my lap and started running away. “You’re it!” she yelled as she ran off. I chuckled and chased her. We ran through the trees for a while until I came up behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist. “I found you.” I whispered into her ear. She giggled and turned in arms to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down and she got on her tip toes.My lips met hers and started moving in sync perfectly. It was truly the perfect kiss.

I ended the kiss. “Karen be mine?”

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