Chapter 4

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Jaime’s Point of View

I was sitting on the floor with Karen. We’ve been talking for a while since the guys went to go pick up food. Tony took the guys with him because he thought they would hit on Karen when he was gone. Boy was he right.

“SO Karen do you wanna be my best friend?” I asked her, she nodded and I fangirled and hugged Karen. Sh giggled and we sat there “Wanna play 20 questions?” I asked her. She nodded.

Karen’s Point of View

“Okay Karen question 20. Why?” Jaime asked. I gave him a confused look “What do you mean?” “Why did you choose this lifestyle/ Like why live in Washington, why be a tattoo artist. Why?” he asked again I turned to look at him. “It’s a long story.” “I’m a good listener.” Jaime gave me a cheeky smile. I sighed.

“Okay well I used to be a happy confident girl. Then high school started. I was in the gifted class so not that many people talked to me. When I turned 15 I got my first boyfriend. I thought he was the greatest. He was quarterback on the football team, president of the debate club he was all around a really nice guy. Then one day he changed, he started doing steroids so he could get bigger for football. His anger was out of control and he started hitting me. Tony found out and told him to stay away from me. After that I stopped dating. When junior year came around I met a new boy. He was all around the perfect guy. So nice and down to Earth, he meant the world to me. We were gonna get married until I found out he cheated on me. I tried to leave him but he wouldn’t let me. Then one night when I tried to leave he…” I wiped away a few tears before continuing “he raped me. I texted Tony and he called the cops. After that I moved back in with my mom and stopped talking to anyone. I stayed with her for about 6 months. Then one night I packed up all my stuff and ran out. I left a note saying I was done and not to look for me. I moved up here got a place, met Josh, got a job I love, and I feel better.”

Jaime wrapped his arms around me. I hugged back, he ended the hug after a few seconds and we went back to sitting there.

Mike’s Point of View

We were all sitting in Karen’’s apartment pretty bored. Tony went downstairs to sleep at Josh’s so it was just Jaime, Vic, Karen, and myself. “Well i’m going to bed. Come on Vic.” Jaime said before winking at me. I smirked at him and Jaime along with a reluctant Vic walked down the hall to the guest room.

“So what you wanna do Karen?” I asked her smiling, it was about 1 am.She looked up at me. “Tell me about yourself.” She smiled. Her smiled was so perfect, it made butterflies in my stomach.

“Well my name is Mike, i’m 28. Born in December, I like giraffes. I’ve been playing drums since I was in high school and right now i’m talking to a incredibly beautiful girl.” Karen blushed when I said beautiful.

We talked for a few more hours before Karen yawned. “Well Mike we have a lot in common but i’m going to sleep now.” she stood up and kissed my cheek before she walked back to her bedroom. All I thought was ‘Damn I got it bad for this girl.’ and laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

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