Chapter 55

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Mike's Point of View

I woke up the next morning with a crazy headache. "Fuck." I mumbled as I sat up. Wait why am I in a bed. I looked over and saw some fake red hair. "K?" I asked, "Whose K?" the girl sat up and turned to me. I felt my stomach flip when I saw her. "Thanks for staying all night. Most one nights don't." she giggled and got out of bed. "I have work in like an hour if you wanna take a shower with me the doors wide open." she bit her lip seductively and flipped her hair over her shoulder before walking into the bathroom. "Hey whats today's date?" I asked her. "It's October 3." she called. Fuck I cheated on my wife the day before her birthday. I got out of bed and pulled on my clothes, I needed to get out of there quickly. "Aw you're not gonna join me Mike?" the girl purred. I shook my head, "I'm married, this was wrong, today's my wife's birthday and she's pregnant with our second child... she's gonna leave me when she finds out." I was freaking out a little bit. "Don't worry Mike I don't kiss and tell." I nodded "Thanks for that." "No problem, you're not the first band member in those sheets let me tell you that." I felt my pockets and found my wallet and phone, "Okay well bye I guess." "Bye." she said before turning to go back into the bathroom closing the door when she got in.

I started walking towards the bus and decided to wait in the bushes until I saw Tony and the guys leave the bus, probably to go look for me. I sighed, I hated doing this. I ran onto the bus quickly and walked into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had lipstick staining my face and neck. I sighed and turned on the shower. I scrubbed my body getting all traces of the red head off of my body. The guys can't find out about this.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bunks. I grabbed some boxers from my suitcase and some clothes to wear. I pulled my shirt on over my head when I heard Casey. "Dude where were you last night?" "I came back to the bus super late dude." he shot me a confused look "I woke up at like 9 and you weren't here." "It's K's birthday I went to send her flowers." he nodded suspiciously. "Okay than..." I nodded and Casey left the bunk area. I grabbed my phone from my previous pants and walked into the back lounge.

I turned it back on and saw a bunch of notifications on Instagram. I smiled when I saw Karen posted a picture of her and Sam. She was laying on the couch with him in her lap.

"Happy Happy Birthday to myself hehe :3 29 years on this planet and I get to celebrate it with my little boy and baby #2! @ptvmike might not be home to cuddle the shit out of but at least I got my Sammy bear & Mamas & Sissy in law to hang out with later<333333"

I smiled and double clicked the image, I couldn't tell Karen I cheated. She'd leave me forever and I didn't want that. Maybe she'd never find out. I went back to scrolling though Instagram before I clicked over to the popular page.

My eyes widened when I saw the top picture. It was the girl from last night and me leaving the bar together. I looked to the comment section and saw hundreds of girls tagging Karen to see it. I swallowed hopefully Karen was really busy today....


Karen's Point of View

"Come on Sam let's get you all cute for grandma." I smiled and Sam looked up at me "Hi." he smiled "Hi." I said back "Hi." Sam said again I laughed and picked him up adjusting him on my hip being careful of my belly. "Mommy doesn't like being pregnant but she loves the end result so much." I kissed Sam's cheek and he giggled "Hi." I laughed "Come on let's send a video to daddy." "Hi." I laughed again. I picked my phone up from the side table and put it up. "Come on Sammy say something to daddy." "Hi." Sam said and I laughed "Hi." I said to the phone. "Hi." Sam said again "We miss you daddy." "Yea." Sam agreed and sneezed "Oh bless you." "Hi." I laughed again and made a kissy face to the camera. "I love you Mike." I smiled and sent the video to him. "Okay now it's time to get you cute." Sam smiled and I walked into his bedroom.

I ended up dressing him in a tie dye blue t shirt with a giraffe on it and a pair of black cargo shorts. I got him to put on a pair of baby vans right when I heard people walking upstairs. "There's the birthday girl!" I smiled when I saw my mom walk into Sam's room. "Hi mom." I stood up being careful of my back, "Wow I forget you're pregnant sometimes." "I'm only 3 months but it's kinda obvious I still haven't lost Sam baby weight." "Baby you look gorgeous now go get ready, Vivianna and Melinda are downstairs." I nodded and walked out of Sam's room hearing lots of 'hi's I giggled and walked into the bedroom.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I smiled I was wearing a black maxi dress and a cheetah print kimono. I smiled and pushed my feet into a pair of black flip flops and picked up my purse. I did a simple makeup look that just consisted of face makeup and mascara with a light pink lip color and my eyebrows filled in. I sprayed some perfume on and walked downstairs to see my mom and Mama playing with Sam and Melinda was sitting on the couch with her hands on her belly. "Okay you ladies ready to go?" they nodded and I heard my phone ding. "No phones!" mom said taking it from me "Mom i'm 29 with a kid and a husband and baby number 2 coming soon." "No phones on birthdays." "Is this why Tony doesn't answer his phone on his birthday?" I nodded "Birthdays are family time." I picked up Sam and we walked out to the car.

We were all sitting around an outdoor table. "Okay Karen you're phone keeps ringing." my mom pulled my phone out of her bra. "Wow I think Mike did something stupid." "Hey you know I have another son." Vivianna laughed. "And they have both hurt my little angel." she laughed, Mama rolled her eyes and took a sip from her iced tea. "Oh I got you a present!" Melinda squealed happily. I smiled and she reached into her purse, "Tony said you'd get the inside joke." I laughed and took the small box to expose a pair of wood plugs with sparkly fake diamonds. I smiled "Of course Tony." I laughed and flipped them over to see they were tiny boxes kinda. "How are they an inside joke?" Melinda questioned me "If I told you it would defeat the purpose of an inside joke." Melinda laughed and .I put them back in the box and than in my purse. "I love them." I smiled "I'm glad you do, Tony said you would." Melinda laughed I smiled and pushed my bangs back. "Okay here you'll aloud to check your phone." my handed me my phone. I smiled and unlocked it to see hundreds of messages from Mike.

Happy birthday babe! :*
Hey not sure if you were on Instagram recently but I swear baby that picture was fake.
Baby please text me back.
Please don't leave me I love you so much.
Karen baby please text me back.
Karen please i'm begging you don't leave me.

I was really confused. I clicked over to Instagram and literally felt my heart shatter when I saw the picture Mike was talking about. It was him and some girl leaving a bar. I swallowed and turned my phone off "I have to pee i'll be right back." Mom nodded and I walked into the restaurant and headed inside the bathroom. I couldn't believe Mike. I blinked away the few tears that had welled up in my eyes. Why would Mike do this. I gave him a beautiful little boy and am gonna give him a second beautiful baby. I looked in the mirror to see my eyes were kinda red. I sighed and put in some eye drops before rejoining everyone.

We pulled up to the house and I finally felt like I could just go upstairs and cry my eyes out. "Come on baby girl we have one more surprise for you." I fake smiled "Okay." I picked the sleeping Sam out of his car seat and my mom stole him from me "Grandma hugs grand baby." I laughed and we walked into the house. The lights were all off and I felt Vivianna guiding me into the house. "SURPRISE!" the lights went on I smiled. All my tattoo artist friends and the few friends from high school were here along with my aunts and uncles along with Mike's family. "Happy Birthday K." Josh smiled. "JOSH!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly. "Hey K." he kissed my temple.

Everyone was finally gone, I let out a sigh. Josh was going to stay down here for a week or so. "Come on Sam let's go to bed." Josh picked Sam up. "I'll be right back Karen." I nodded and Josh carried Sam upstairs to his room.

"So is it a boy or girl?" Josh asked "They don't know yet." I said "I bet its gonna be a girl." I smiled "I hope it's a boy though." "You like having boys?" I nodded "How's Mike?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes "Oh Karen, it's gonna work out." he put him arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. "Why would he cheat on me Josh?" "He's stupid and doesn't realize how good he's got it back home." I pulled away from Josh's shoulder when I heard my phone ringing. "It's Mike." "If you don't want to answer it you don't have too Mike is your husband not your owner." I nodded and hit ignore. "I just love him so much Josh." he nodded "I understand Karen, everything will work out." I knew he was wrong, the only question left is what should I do now...

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