Chapter 30

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"Come on Karen be a good girl and open your mouth." his voice rang through my ears. I listened and opened my mouth to feel a gag being clipped on. "You're such a good girl Karen." he moved hair out of my face. "Get the cables." he said to another guy. "What the fuck are you guys doing!" I looked over and saw Sam standing there. "Having fun." one of the guys said. "Take that gag out of her mouth and give her back her clothes. NOW!" Sam yelled. The guys left the room and Sam walked up to where I was. "I'm so sorry Karen. I'm such a moron for kidnapping you." he took the gag out of my mouth and untied my hands and feet. "Here." he handed me a shirt and I pulled it on. "Please come with me." he put his hand out and I took it.
Karen's Point of View

I woke up and stared up at the ceiling. Mike was laying next to me his arm slung around my waist loosely. I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I felt sick to my stomach as the memories of that week came up to my mind. I hated every minute of it but I had to do what was right.

I got out a white dress out of my closet along with a black cardigan, black thigh high socks and a pair of brown boots. I pulled the clothes on and sat down at my vanity and applied some foundation and set it with some powder before applying a thin wing of black eye liner and a few coats of mascara. I left my hair it's natural wavy mess. My roots were showing, I rolled my eyes and got a knit gray beanie and plopped it on my head to cover the majority of my roots. I got my purse and exited the house.

Mike's Point of View

I woke up and opened my eyes to see Karen wasn't there. I sighed and got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Karen didn't leave me a note. Maybe she went to work early? I sighed again and made myself a bowl of of cereal. I plopped down on the couch and pulled my phone out of pocket. I saw a lot of notifications on Twitter. I opened the app and my jaw dropped, I couldn't believe this.

Karen's Point of View

"Hi, can I talk to officer Monroe?" I asked the receptionist at the police station. "Yea, just go down the hall and turn right at the first right." I nodded "Thank you." I walked down the hall and saw a door labeled 'Chief of Police' I knocked on the door and a husky voice said to come in. "Hi Office Monroe." I greeted him. "Hello Ms. Perry." he smiled. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "What brings you here today sweetie?" "I want to drop the charges on Samuel Gibson." he shot me a confused look. I sighed "I know it sounds crazy but he doesn't deserve jail. He was nice to me. It's the other two guys who were found on site later who I want in jail." he nodded. "So Mr.Jackson and Mr.Lago?" I nodded. "Okay Mr.Gibson should be released today." "I would like to file a restraining order." "Of course."

Mike's Point of View

"Mike it probably isn't what it looks like." Vic said to me. "Dude that's fucking bull shit and you know it." I yelled "Mike just calm down."

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