Chapter 36

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Mike's Point of View

"Karen you ready to go?" I called from downstairs. "Almost!" she screamed back, I shook my head and went back to my phone. "Mike i'm ready." she said picking up her back. I nodded and walked over to her putting my arms around her shoulders she put her head on my shoulder. "I love you baby." I kissed her temple and she kissed my neck gently "Come on I don't want to be late for the sonogram." I nodded and Karen grabbed my hand pulling me out of the house behind her.

"Karen Perry?" the nurse called out as we sat in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Karen stood up being carefully of her baby bump. I took her purse for her and helped her walk into the office. I helped Karen up onto the table chair thing. "Hello Ms. Perry, Mr. Fuentes." the nurse said when she walked in. "Hey." Karen smiled. "Okay so lift your shirt up and we can start." Karen nodded and lifted the bottom of her shirt up to expose her belly. The nurse squirted some gel onto her stomach and took the machine and started going over it and showing the baby the monitor.

I smiled and Karen took my hand. "Okay well there's your baby's foot... and that there is the head... would you like to know the sex of the baby?" she nurse asked cheerfully." Karen nodded "You guys are going to have a healthy baby boy." the nurse smiled. "Okay well were done for now. See you soon Karen." the nurse smiled and walked out of the room. Karen wiped the gel from her belly and hoped down from the table.

I helped Karen get out of the car when I pulled up to our house. "You know I can do stuff by myself Mike." she giggled as we walked up to the house. "Mike!" I looked up and went ghost white. "Whose she Mike?" Karen asked me.

Karen's Point of View

"Mike who is she!" I screamed when Mike opened the door letting the three of us come inside the house. "I can say the same to you." the girl scoffed. I rolled my eyes at her "I might be 8 months pregnant but I can still kick your ass bitch." I said to her. "Bitch i'm 6 inches taller then y-" I punched her in the face. "Yep being 6 inches taller then me totally made it impossible for me to kick your ass." I said to her.

"Mike you so owe me an explanation." the girl said. "I can explain babe." Mike said to me walking towards me "Touch me and i'll hurt you Mike." he nodded and took a step back. "Um this is Angie. Angie this is Karen my girlfriend." Mike said to her. "You said you were single!" she yelled "Waitwaitwait what the fuck are you talking about!" I yelled "We fucked like 3 months ago and left before I woke up. Oh and i'm pregnant." she explained. "I can't talk to you right now Micheal." I said angrily. "No baby please." Mike begged as I walked closer to the door. "Mike I've been back for 3 months, that means you cheated on me... again." I felt tears forming in my eyes. "No baby-" "DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME MICHEAL CHRISTOPHER FUENTES!" I screamed at him slapping him across the face as hard as I could. "I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I screamed and walked out of the house and over to my car.

I sat in my car not moving. I was still in the drive way, sobbing. I heard someone knocking on my car window. It was Vic. "Are you okay Karen?" he asked me after I rolled down the window. "No." I said softly my throat sore from yelling and sobbing. "I'm taking you to my place. Move over." I nodded and slid across the bench seat of my truck and Vic climbed in.

We pulled up to Vic's apartment and he helped me to get up to his place. "What happened K?" he asked me. "Mike.... cheated-d-d on me." I said between sobs. Vic wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Shh it's okay K." he kissed my forehead softly. "He got her pregnant Vic." I sobbed onto his shoulder. He rubbed my back gently and put his chin on my head. "Everything will work out Karen."

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