Chapter 12

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Tony's Point of View

"Mel? You ready baby?" I asked through the house. "Yea babe." she called back. Today we were all having a party at my mom's house for Karen moving back to San Diego. "Oh now don't you look gorgeous." I complemented Melinda as she walked out of the bathroom in a long dress with her makeup all done and her hair all pretty. "Thank you handsome." she smiled at me, "I can't believe i'm marrying you babe." I put my hands on her waist and pulled her into me. "I love you Mrs.Perry." "I love you more Mr.Perry." I kissed her lips passionately for a minute before separating.

Jaime's Point of View

"Shelly!" I cheered excitedly as I saw my beautiful girlfriend walk up to me. "You look cute." I smiled at her as she spun around for me. Her skirt circled around her and her shirt was a little cropped so you could see a little bit of her belly. She was wearing one of my jackets and she looked absolutely stunning. "Let's go baby cakes." I put my hand out for her to take. She took it and we walked out to where Vic was standing. We really need to find Vic a nice girl with a good butt.

Vic's Point of View

We pulled up to Mama Perry's house and I saw a lot of people who i'm assuming was the Perry family. We all walked in and I immediately saw Karen. She was wearing a black knee length dress and a pair of black flats and one of Mike's hoodies unzipped. Mike had his arm on her waist and held her close to him while they were talking to a group of people. I rolled my eyes and got a drink.

"I take it you don't like the fact Karen is dating Mike either?" a random girl asked me "What? no I'm happy for them." "That's bull and you know it Vic. You like Karen." "No I don't." "Yea let's go with that." she rolled her eyes and took a swig of her drink. "Who are you anyway?" I asked "Well you have an attitude now don't you? But it doesn't matter i'm leaving. Just remember if you try to get Karen as you're girl... your life will be over as you know it." I rolled my eyes and the girl walked away. I don't like Karen. Or do I...

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