Chapter 34

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Vic's Point of View

"Karen?" I questioned as I walked into my bedroom. "Hey." she smiled. "Why are you here?" "I'm pregnant..." my jaw dropped.

Mike's Point of View

Another night of chugging alcohol... fun fun fun. I sighed and walked down stairs to the fridge, I groaned when I saw all the beer was gone and a note from Vic was taped to the apple juice. I rolled my eyes and opened it. I read it quickly and crumpled it up.

"Tony? You here?" I called as I walked into his and Melinda's house. "Upstairs." I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. Vic and Jaime grabbed my arms and threw me into a bedroom. "WHAT THE HELL!" I banged on the door. "Hi Mikey.." I turned around and fell to my knees. It was Karen...

Karen's Point of View

I pulled on the sleeves of my over sized sweater. I was nervous as hell to see Mike but he needed to know. "WHAT THE HELL!" Mike yelled and banged on the guest room's bedroom door. "Hi Mikey..." Mike turned to me and fell to his knees. "Karen?" he asked his voice cracking, I nodded. He swallowed loudly and stood up. He ran his hand through his messy hair. "Is that really you baby?" I nodded. Mike walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up into a tight hug. "I missed you so much." he whispered into my ear. I smiled and hugged him back. "I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to hit you." I nodded "I know Mikey." I kissed his temple. "Come back to me Karen Amelia Perry?"

I thought for a minute. I missed Mike don't get me wrong but I didn't know. "I don't know Mike..." "Baby please." Mike looked up at me with his pleading brown eyes. I bit down on my bottom lip. "Baby..." he said to me taking my hands in his hands "Karen you brought out the best in me. The past two months have been absolute crap. I can't sleep, I can't eat, all I do is drink. I miss you so much." he said to me. I looked down into his eyes and felt myself melting. "I don't want to get back together yet Mike... i'm coming back but that's it." Mike stood up and nodded. "Okay..." he exited the room and closed the door gently on his way out. "I'm pregnant." I said quietly, the door opened again and Mike stood in the doorway. "You're what?" he questioned me. "I'm pregnant." I said louder. "Is it mine?" I nodded and stared down at the ground. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me as close as humanly possible to him. "You're not mad?" he shook his head and kissed my head. "Baby that's amazing." I smiled a little and wrapped my arms around his waist. "At least come back home with me?" he asked me. I nodded "Come on baby." he put his hand out for me and I gladly took it. Mike walked out of the room pulling me along with him.

Mike's Point of View

I got my girl back. What more could a guy ask for?

"Seriously Mike?!" Karen yelled when she walked into the house. I sighed, time to get yelled at. "Mike this is disgusting!" she picked up a pizza box and dropped it in the trash can. "Esto es asqueroso Michael limpiar esta mierda ahora!"(this is disgusting Michael clean this shit up now!) she yelled at me in Spanish. My jaw dropped "You yelling at me in Spanish is the sexiest thing you've ever done baby." I put my hands on her hips and pulled her into my hips. "Tengo una idea más divertida ..."(I have a more fun idea...) I whispered into her ear making her moan softly. "Limpie primero y luego hablaremos"(Clean first then we'll talk) she giggled and pushed on my chest. I groaned "Bbbbbbaaaaaabbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy" I whined as she walked upstairs to our bedroom.

"Seriously Mike?" Karen walked back downstairs. I turned to face her, "Oh...." she dropped an armful of panties on the counter. "You're not getting fucked tonight." she said angrily and walked back upstairs. "Baby?" I called to her following her upstairs. I walked into my bedroom. She was laying on the bed. "Baby?" I asked her sitting on the bed next to her. "I thought you loved me Mike." she pulled the blanket over her head. "Baby I do." I put my hand on the small of her back. "Whatever it's not like were back together." Karen said getting out of bed wiping a few stray tears from her eyes. My heart sank when she said that. "I'm gonna win you back I hope you know that." she rolled her eyes and I walked out of the room. I'm winning my girl back.

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