Chapter 1

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I tried to run away. I ran as fast as my short legs could carry me. I felt my knees give out and I fell to the hard gravel road. "No place to run now Karen." his voice leaked out of his throat with no emotion but lust. "Please don't." I managed to sob out. "Sorry princess you've been a very naughty girl." he said seductively and started dragging me back to his house.

I woke up panting loudly. I ran my hands through my incredibly tangled bed head. I looked over at the time, 2 am. Once again I had that nightmare. I got out of bed knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. I plugged my iPhone into my speaker system and walked over into the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I turned the shower on and stripped down before stepping in to the hot water. The water soothed my aching muscles. I cleaned my body and shaved what needed to be shaved before getting out. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower I hummer along to the music being played from my bedroom. I wrapped a towel around my body and combed my damp red locks. I got my curling want out and enhanced my natural wavy hair a little. I dropped my towel and looked at myself in the mirror, a tradition I started when I turned 19, I picked out all my flaws before I walked back into my bedroom. I got a Of Mice & Men t shirt and a pair of shorts from my dresser. I pulled on a pair of underwear and a bra before I pulled my clothes on, I sat down at my vanity and started on my makeup. When I was satisfied with my appearance I quickly gathered my things and left my small apartment. I looked at the clock on the dashboard of my car, 5 am, I groaned work didn't start for another 5 hours. I sighed loudly and drove down to the ocean. The beach was my favorite place to be. I always loved water. It's probably what attracted me to the state of Washington. I sat on the hood of my car and took in the salty ocean scent. No matter what mood I was in the ocean always made it 1000 times better. I hear my phone softly vibrate from inside my back pack. I pulled it out to see none other then his picture. I chuckled to myself and answered.

Karen: Hey you silly turtle head
Tony: Hi Kitty
Karen: Tony, what do you want?
Tony: Do you mind if me and the guys come stay with you? A week. Please baby sister???
Karen: Because I love you, sure
Tony: Yay! your the bestest wittle sister ever!!!!
Karen: Okay see you soon.

With that I hung up and put my phone away. I love Tony but his friends? I've never met them. I ignored the worry and looked sown at my watch it was 8 am. I groaned and got in my car to drive to work.

~ A couple hours later~

I looked up at the clock on the wall, 8:30 pm. I closed my sketch book and put it in my backpack. "Karen you're still here?" I heard the shop owner asked "Yeah I lost track of time. Imma pack up" I moved to m station and unscrewed the needle on my machine. "Is everything okay Karen?" Valeria, the shop owner's sweet voice asked. "I'm Okay" I told her as I put my machine away. "Okay then, I don't want my best artist to be in pain. Tell me if somethings not 'okay' baby." she put air quotes around okat I chuckled and picked up my things, "Don't worry Val i'm fine." I gave her a quick hug and left the tattoo parlor. I drove home tapping on the steering wheel.

I got up to my apartment and locked the door before sliding down it covering my face with my small hands. I haven't seen my own brother in over 4 1/2 years. I should be happy about him spending his time on break with me instead of mom and his girl friend but I knew he was only coming to check on me not spend time with me. His band mates I don't even know why they were coming but I didn't care why. I sucked in some air before calmly releasing it. I stood up and walked into my bathroom. I took off my makeup and pulled my hair up into a super messy bun. I walked into my bedroom and took off my clothes switching them out for a pair of swears and a baggy lose fitting tank top. I crawled into bed and pulled my legs up into my chest. 'I am Karen Amelia Perry, and I hare myself' I thought to myself as I began to cry myself to sleep like I have every night for the past 4 1/2 years. Another nightmare. Another restless night. Another day as Karen Amelia Perry.

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