Chapter 5

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Tony’s Point of View

I woke up the next morning and walked upstairs to Karen’s apartment. I walked in and it smelled amazing. I turned the corner into the kitchen to see Karen at the stove cooking. “Wha Karen cooking?” I remarked, she turned around giving me a glare I laughed and noticed the guys at the table. “Okay well foods ready.” Karen smiled.

“Are you sure you don't need help?” Vic asked, “Well I could use a tall person.” Mike stood up and helped Karen put the now dry dishes away. I heard laughs coming from the kitchen. I didn’t want Mike to be so close to Karen…

Mike’s Point of View

Mike: Sorry Jen but were over.
Jen: What? Mike we’ve been dating for 2 years. What did I do? W-we can w-work this out.
Mike: No Jennifer we can’t. I fell in love with another girl.
Jen: B-b-but Mike?
Mike: Bye Jen.

I hung up my phone and put it back in the pocket of my basketball shorts. I know i’ve only known Karen a few days, but I think she’s the one.


Karen’s Point of View

“Come on Karen it’ll be fun! I swear on every turtle in the world!” Tony whined. “Fffffff Iii Iiii Nnnn Eeeee!” I groaned becoming annoyed with my brother. “YAY!” Tony cheered while jumping up and down clapping his hands. “What got into Turtle?” Vic asked walking into my bedroom. “I agreed to go on tour with you guys.” I told him. Vic smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I very awkwardly hugged him back. I think Vic likes me… I mean it’s not that I don’t like him… it’s just he’s not my type. I like tall, tattooed, piercings, sarcastic, chill guys who can hold their liquor and are cool with the occasional high.

I ended the hug and playfully punched him in the arm. “See ya buddy.” I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I quickly took a shower and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail when I got out. I left my bangs down and put on my basic makeup before pulling on a pair of tight dark wash jeans that were ripped and a black plaid shirt. I put in a pair of wood plugs and exited my bathroom to see Mike sitting on my made bed.

“Hey there Mike.” I said awkwardness filling my voice “Hey there Karen.” he said mocking my tone. I squinted my eyes at him “Sorry.” he laughed. I giggled, it’s impossible to be mad at him. I sat on my bed next to him. He turned a little so he could face me. We were staring into each other’s eyes. I didn’t notice at first but slowly he was leaning in. I panicked and stood up.

“Um I have work.” I rushed picking up my backpack Mike looked down at the ground. “Okay….” he trailed off standing up. I pulled on his shirt my lips meeting his. “Wow” we said in unison after the kiss ended.


Jaime’s Point of View

“Okay so then what happened?” I asked Mike “It was the best kiss i’ve ever had.” he smiled. “Do you like her?” I asked “I don’t believe in love at first sight but this was love at first sight.” “Ask her out.” I nudged him with my elbow. “I am don’t worry.”

3rd Person

Everyone threw their stuff up on the bus. Karen was walking with Tony. Mike sat on the couch in the front lounge his left leg bouncing up and down due to nervousness. He was going to ask Karen out regardless about how Tony would feel or react. Vic walked behind Karen and Tony admiring Karen’s butt in the a little too short shorts she was wearing. He wanted Karen and he planned on getting her. THis is going to be and interesting Warped Tour the could all feel it.

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