Chapter 56

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~Time Skip; 3 months later~

Mike's Point of View

We were sitting on the bus on the way back to San Diego, Tony was bouncing off the walls since Melinda was suppose to go into labor next weekend. I wasn't really excited for getting home, well I miss Sam with all my heart but Karen was going to leave me. I couldn't lie to her, I had to tell her I cheated. I cheated on my pregnant wife. I felt like a total piece of shit. I am a total piece of shit. "Looks like someones excited to be having a baby." Casey commented on Tony's excitement. Matt laughed and sat down on the right side of Casey, "It's his first kid, let him be excited." I pulled my phone out of my pocket to see Karen had texted me back finally.

Wifeyxoxo~ Can you pick Sam up from your mom's?

I sighed it was exactly what I wanted to hear from her but at least I could see my son one last time. I replied to her text and was about to put my phone back into my pocket when it dinged again.

Wifeyxoxo~ Thanks baby :* Can't wait to see you<333333

I smiled to myself, Karen missed me. That had to be a good sign. After the other guys got dropped off the bus pulled up to our front door and I grabbed my stuff before walking into the house. I smiled everything was how it was before I had left. The floors had toys scattered around the floor and there were gift bags on the kitchen island. I walked upstairs and walked into the bedroom to see Karen's clothes scattered on the bed. She probably couldn't decide what to wear this morning. I smiled and quickly changed into a different pair of jeans and tank top, I pulled on a denim vest and a pair of snake print vans before I started hanging the clothes up in Karen's closet and emptying my dirty clothes into the laundry hamper. I'll do that when I get home. I looked over and saw Karen's vanity was a mess too. I laughed and put her flat iron away before putting her makeup away. I walked across the hall into Sam's room and saw his room was tidy. I nodded and walked down the hall following the smell of fresh paint. I opened the door and smiled, the walls were a soft lavender color that had been decorated with flowers and paper lanterns going all along the room. Over a dark brown crib was a large dream catcher with what looked to be owl feathers. In the corner of the room was rocking chair along with a bookcase. Karen put up white curtains, we were having a daughter. I smiled even bigger to myself and walked downstairs, I quickly cleaned up the living room and kitchen before walking out of the house and getting into my car to drive to my mom's place.

"Mike." my mom smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Hi mama." I hugged her back, "Dada!" I looked down to see Sam 'running' toward me. It was more of a wobble walk thing but he was doing it. I let go of my mama and she moved over so I could get in the house. I got closer to Sam and he jumped up. I caught him and spun him around making him giggle like crazy. I smiled and pulled him up to my face and kissed his cheeks all over making him giggle more. "Dada tickle!" Sam squealed. I smiled "Does Dada have a scratchy beard?" "Yea!" I smiled "Come on buddy, let's get you home." "Otay Dada." "Thanks mama, I owe you one." "You do Micheal." I laughed "I love you mommy." I kissed her cheek and she smiled "Okay now go, you have a pregnant wife waiting for you at home." I smiled even bigger "She's having a girl." Mama smiled "I know sweetie." I smiled "Bye mom, say bye to abuela baby." "Bye." Sam smiled and waved at mom.

"Dada ids de surn." I laughed "It is the sun buddy." "Mama!" Sam cheered from the backseat when I pulled up to the house. Karen's car was sitting in the drive way. I swallowed and got Sam out of his car seat carrying him into the house.

Karen's Point of View

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my Mike to get home with Sam. I wasn't sure if he cheated but right now I was about 95% sure that he did. I want to be wrong, I wanted to be wrong more than anything.

I heard the front door open and than close followed by lots of 'mama's I smiled to myself and stood up walking over to them. "Hey." I smiled and pulled on the sleeves of my cardigan before looking up to see Mike smiling. I couldn't help but smile, I took Sam from him and Mike wrapped both of his arms around the two of us tightly. I put my head against his chest and Sam giggled. "I missed you guys so much." Mike pressed his lips against my temple. I sighed softly making sure he couldn't hear me. "I made dinner." I got out of Mike's arms and put Sam into his high chair. "Baby, you look beautiful." Mike smiled at me. I tried to smile back at him but it was fake. He knew it. I put my hands on my belly and Mike walked up to me putting one of his hands against my bump. "We need to talk about that picture Mike." he nodded "Of course we do." I took his hand off my belly and walked over to the counter top where a pan of chicken and spaghetti was.

We ate in silence, well except for Sam but he was 1. After dinner I took Sam upstairs and cleaned him up before changing him into his PJs. I laid him down in his crib and kissed his forehead. "I love you baby." I smiled, Sam smiled back and slowly closed his eyes.

Mike's Point of View

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Karen to come into the room. I swallowed and heard the door open. "Hey." Karen said without looking at me. She wrapped her cardigan around her torso tightly. "Hi." I said quietly. "So did you sleep with that chick?" Karen asked me finally looking up into my eyes. She had tears welling up and I felt my heart shatter. "I did sleep with her." I answered her. "I'm not surprised." Karen scoffed "You said I changed you for the best, that was obviously just a lie. Do you even love me or Sam?" I nodded "I love you guys so much baby." Karen rolled her eyes. "Mike. I've been cheated on before. I've been hit. Seriously, you were the only guy who I thought would never hurt me. I guess I was wrong." I stood up "Karen, baby please i'm so sorry." "That's bull. If you 'love' me like you say you did you wouldn't have cheated on me 3 years ago, and you wouldn't have cheated on me while i'm pregnant with YOUR second child." I sat back down on the bed. I looked up at Karen, she had tears running down her cheeks at this point. "Karen, I'll do anything. I swear I will, but please don't leave." Karen scoffed again. Karen walked up to me and slapped my cheek as hard as she could. "You're not sleeping in here." I nodded "I love you Karen, and the baby, and Sam." "Bull." I sighed and got off the bed and kicked my shoes off and hung up my vest. "Yea you can leave any time now." Karen had her arms crossed over her chest. She was really angry I could tell. I took in a good look at her. She'd let her hair go brown, not that she looked bad it was just different. Her piercings all had silver balls on top of them for once and her body looked even more perfect than usual. I knew she was 6 months pregnant but maybe that's what made her even more attractive, just knowing the human growing inside of her was mine and it was a girl made me feel like I could fix our marriage. "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get our relationship back to the way it was." Karen rolled her eyes and pointed to the door before she sat down in bed pulling her legs up under the covers. I sighed and walked over to her and pressed my lips against hers passionately. Karen was taken aback a lot. She didn't kiss me back but I just pressed my lips to hers harder. After a minute of the most awkward kiss of my life Karen caved in and turned to butter under my lips. I ended the kiss taking Karen's bottom lip with me as I pulled away. I let go of her lip and Karen looked very taken back. "Seriously get out. Now." I nodded "I don't care what you say. You still love me." I kissed her belly "Bye princess." I looked up at Karen and she looked more annoyed. I smiled and walked out of the room after I pulled my shirt off.

Karen's Point of View

God dam it Mike, why did I have to think you were hot. I groaned to myself and rolled onto my side being very careful of my belly. He was right though. I should hate him. I should divorce him. My mom taught me the only way to be respected was to first respect yourself. I sighed. I did love Mike, he gave me a beautiful son and a soon to be beautiful daughter. I put a hand on my belly, I felt her moving around. "Don't worry baby, daddy isn't going anywhere." I grabbed Mike's pillow and a blanket. "We don't want him to be cold." I said and walked downstairs to see Mike sitting there with looked to be a bottle of apple juice in his hand. I rolled my eyes, he looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "You forgot those." I threw them at him. He put the juice down. "Sorry, didn't mean too." I rolled my eyes again and walked back upstairs.

I got back into bed and ended up falling asleep quickly. I was mad at Mike, but I was just so in love with him I didn't see this whole no sharing a bed thing going on too long. Let's hope Mike didn't know that.

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