Chapter 62

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Karen's Point of View

I was laying on my back staring up at the ceiling next to a sleeping Mike. He had his arm loosely around my waist and he snored softly. It felt good to be at home but I wasn't happy. 

I moved Mike's arm off of my stomach and quietly got out of bed. I grabbed my phone and walked into the bathroom locking the door as soon as I got inside. It was 5 in the morning so I knew the kids wouldn't wake up for at least another 2 hours.

I started up the shower and got in. I washed my hair and cleansed my body. I shaved and got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and saw Mike standing at the sink in his underwear. "Mornin babe." he smiled. I smiled back and wrapped my hair in a towel before walking into the bedroom. I dried off my body and pulled on a pair of panties an snapped on a bra. I looked in the mirror and felt disgusted. My once flat stomach was stretched out and flabby, I had a scar going across my lower stomach from where my C-section was, and of course I'd gotten more stretch marks from Remi. I sighed and grabbed a pair of jeans from my dresser and pulled them up to mid thigh before I realized they weren't going any higher. I sighed and gave up, I threw the pants into the corner and found a pair of leggings that would work until I got new pants. I grabbed a grey v neck from another drawer and one of Mike's flannels from the closet. I sat down at my vanity and pulled the towel out of my hair and started doing my hair and make up for the day. I decided to go simple and just do winged eyeliner, mascara, and foundation. I was satisfied with my look and walked downstairs to start on breakfast.

"Mommy!" Sam screamed when he slowly came down the stairs followed by Mike and Remi.  "Hey Sammy." I bent down slowly and picked him up. "How'd you sleep baby?" "Good." he smiled and put his head on my shoulder. "Do you want pancakes for breakfast?" he nodded and I put him down on the floor. "Okay, you go play and I'll make breakfast." "Daddy read!" he yelled and ran into the living room. Mike shrugged and kissed my cheek before following Sam. I stood there making pancakes and listened to Mike reading the Island of the Blue Dolphins to the babies.

I finished making the pancakes and started wondering why I was even here anymore. I loved my kids and Mike but I hate everything about this city and where my career was right now and I overall hated how I looked. Mike's been trying to get it on for the past couple weeks but I keep shutting him down. I just want to loose this baby weight and enjoy my 5 month old and 1 1/2 year old... but I couldn't.

"Come on guys breakfast." I smiled and put the plate on the table. Sam came running over and I put him in his booster seat. Mike put Remi in highchair, we each grabbed some food except for Remi who got some pureed avocado and a bottle of breast milk. "So Sammy you excited for daycare?" Sam nodded and put more of his pancake in his mouth. 

After we finished breakfast I packed Sam his lunch and Mike took him upstairs to change him for daycare. "Come on sweetie." I picked Remi up out of her highchair and walked outside. I sat down in a lawn chair and put Remi on her back against my chest. "Okay Remi, that's a tree." I pointed over to the big oak tree in our neighbors yard. "That's the sky, the sky is blue." I liked teaching Remi about nature, it was relaxing. "Over there is fence, it's made of wood." I heard chuckling and looked over to see Mike standing in the door way of the sliding glass door. "What?" Mike shook his head "I'm taking Sam to daycare. You wanna come along?" I shook my head "It's mommy daughter bonding day." he nodded "Have fun love." he walked over to where I was sitting and kissed my lips softly and then kissed Remi's head. "I'll be back in a bit." I nodded and went back to explaining things to Remi.

Remi went down for her first nap and I laid down on the couch staring up at the ceiling. I put my hands on my stomach and sighed. I was flabby and I hated it. I needed to start going back to the gym. After I had Sam I didn't give a shit about being flabby but it was different his time. I just wanted to be beautiful again.

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