Chapter 27

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Shelby's Point of View

I woke up the next morning. I felt a sharp pain in my jaw. I tried opening it but I stopped at the flash of pain that went through my body. I stumbled up hitting the wall of the closet. I looked into the mirror on the closet door and saw a huge black purple bruise going up the left side of my face. There was dried blood going down my neck. I didn't remember what happened I wondered into Melinda and Tony's bedroom and saw Melinda passed out handcuffed to the end of the bed. "Mel?" I could barely said not being able to get it out due to the swelling of my jaw. I walked over to the her and noticed her handcuffs were ASP brand handcuffs. I used them, i'm a cop just to clarify that. I was able to break the cuff open and Melinda fell over. I shook her lightly and her eyes fluttered open. "What the fuck?" Melinda sounded confused. "Oh my god Shelby we have to get you to the emergency room!" I shook my head "K?" "Karen?" I nodded "The guy." Melinda's eyes widened and she stood up running throughout the house. She came back upstairs holding Karen's shorts and her purse. "She's gone."

Tony's Point of View

We ran off stage. I pulled my earplugs out and moved my hair out of my face. "Hey Tone your phone was going insane." our tour manger Frank said handing me my phone. I unlocked my phone and saw 19 phone calls and 45 text messages. "Crap somethings going on." I started reading through the messages. "What the fuck..." "You okay Turtle?" I looked up and saw Vic standing there. "Somethings happening back home." I shrugged it off "Can it wait a week?" Vic asked I nodded and turned my phone off. "Crap." Mike groaned "What?" "Dropped my phone in water." he sighed picking it up out of a puddle. "Better then me man." Jaime said. "What happened to you?" "I left my phone at home." "I think the women can wait a week." Vic said. We all walked back to the bus and the driver started driving to the next venue.

Mike's Point of View

"Hey it's Karen's phone I couldn't get to the phone right now i'll call back later bye!" I groaned and hung up and handed Vic his phone back. "She didn't answer again?" he questioned. I nodded "This isn't like her" I plopped down on the couch next to Vic.

What the hell Karen. I groaned when I saw she wasn't online for Skype. I sent her a message on Facebook in hopes she'd reply at one point. I laid back my head hitting my Jack Skellington pillow. This really isn't like her.

"I have no idea what's up with her man." Tony said putting his phone down on the table. I groaned, I really wanted to talk to Karen but she wasn't answering anything. "Hey Tone you ever get back to Mel?" Vic asked breaking the awkward silence, Tony shook his head "She's mad as fuck and not talking to me." "Did you do something Mike?" I shrugged "Maybe i'm not sure, but we don't fight a lot."

"Maybe she's cheating on you." Levi said to me. I shook my head "Karen wouldn't do that." he shrugged "You never know man." I shook my head, she's not cheating on me.

I checked online. Karen didn't update anything since the day we left. There weren't any new pictures with the #PTVbitches. That was weird but I shrugged it off. Maybe the girls haven't been hanging out. They always do though... I leaned back against the wall. I don't know what's happening but were going home tomorrow...

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