Chapter 47

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Vic's Point of View

"Hey mom." I called walking into the house. "Hey baby." she called from the kitchen "How are you baby?" she asked me while stirring a pot. "I'm good." I answered here, "That's great." she smiled "OH you have you heard the great noise?" she smiled "What?" "Karen's gonna have another baby!" she smiled even bigger. I nodded "That's great." I fake smiled "Yea Mike called me this morning, he's so happy." "He likes being a dad." I said to her "Yep and Melinda's gonna drop Sam off over here so he can have grandma time before they come back." I nodded "You should hang out, Sam likes spending time with more than one person." I nodded "I can hang out for a couple hours." she smiled "Thanks Vic." she squeezed my arm.

"Thanks Mama Fuentes, the case i'm working on is going crazy and then Tony's mom is working all day." Melinda laughed handing Sam over to my mom, "It's fine Melinda anything to be with my nieto." Melinda smiled "Hey Vic." she waved softly. "Hey Melinda." I said back.

"I'll be right back Vic." my mom called called walking out of the house. "Hey Sam... so how have you been?" I asked him. He laid on my lap staring up at me. "So um... what do you do?" he started making baby noises. I stared down at him and he stared right back at me. "So you talk yet?" I asked him. Sam giggled and smiled at me, I smiled back "So do you know who I am?" I asked him, he sneezed. "Bless you Sam." I put my thumb on his cheek and he grabbed onto it. "I hurt your mommy, your daddy hates me and will never speak to me again, yet you seem to be okay with me." he smiled and started flapping his arms up and down like a bird. "Why are you okay with me? I'm a sorry excuse for a man." "Lov" Sam smiled up at me. "Did you just say your first word?" "LOV!" Sam screamed at me "Your 8 months old are you even old enough to talk?" I asked him "Lov." he said again, I heard the door open and close. "Bae you here?" I heard Karen call "MA!" Sam screamed "Sammy?" Karen called Sam started flapping his arms up and down.

Karen's Point of View

"MA! MA! MA!" I smiled it was Sam, "Sammy!" I squealed I heard Sam making the noises he made when he was excited and some one laugh. I walked into the living room and saw Vic sitting there holding Sam. My body tensed "Vic." "Karen." he said back not making eye contact. "Can I get my baby now?" he nodded and stood up and handed him to me. "Come on baby, time to go home to daddy." I smiled at Sam, "Karen?" I turned to look at Vic "What?" "Is it..." Vic started pointing to my stomach, I shrugged "I really hope not. Me and Mike are gonna go find out next week." Vic nodded "If it is mine, you can do whatever you want with it. I'm really sorry about what I did, I regret it every day and I wish I could take it back but I can't. I know you're never going to accept my apology but I am sorry." I nodded "Your right I'll never accept your apology, and if this kid is yours you'll never see it. I hope you die alone you sorry excuse for a man." I said to him picking up Sam's baby bag on the way out.

Vic's Point of View

I sighed and waited for Karen to pull out of the drive way. My mom wasn't back yet but I didn't care I decided to go back home.

"Maybe I just need someone." I laughed to myself "No one would want me." I laughed again and walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of booze from the fridge. I heard my phone go off flashing some girl's number. I looked down and clicked answer.

Vic: What do you want Delaney?
Delaney: I'm horny. Come over.
Vic: I'll be there in 15.
Delaney: Good. If you're not someones gonna need to be punished.
Vic: Okay, see you then.
Delaney: Do you not even want to fuck?
Vic: I'll be there.
Delaney: Good.

I sighed, well at least I'll get my dick sucked.

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