3- scars to hide (2)

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Part two

You’ve been in the office only an hour and a half and your hair is already ready.

It had been falling down in soft curls around your shoulders, styled that way after your appointment at the hairdressers the previous afternoon.

However, a barrage of emails and a non-stop phone line meant it was quite simply annoying within thirty minutes of being at your desk.

Normally by this time you’d have filtered through all the emails.

Sorting them into things that need dealing with before your second coffee and things that can wait.

This morning your first coffee, from the place down the road, is untouched and probably cold in it’s takeaway container.

You were all gathered up in the meeting room with Jake and Jay's workers.

Just waiting for your name to be called for your project presentation.

You were waiting for this day- and you can't lose control.

Especially when you are to be presented in front of your boyfriend, who was unknown to your colleges.

You tried your best to hide it in front of them.

You sigh grabbing your conference pad from one of the trays on your desk, your pen and the pile of paperwork that he has actually got to deal with himself.

Jake was sitting across from Jay on the head of the table. You don’t miss his stare that lingers over you for a little longer than you’d think acceptable. You cross your legs laying your notepad on your lap and relax a little in the chair.  "Come on y/n.’

The voice of your boss pulls you from his gaze, you immediately stood up and started your work, trying to impress the persons as much as you can.

"I'm sorry, I'm late-" when you’re halfway through reading and you lift your head to the person who just entered.  

Mr hwan.

The same demon who filled your dreams with darkness. You stopped saying whatever you were saying- words were stuck in your throat.

Your eyes opened like a shooting beans when the memories of all the abuse went playing in front of your eyes.

You didn't know how you didn't except him in the meeting.

Jay noticed how you looked at Mr hwan, he could read the fear that passed on your eyes. He was more than sure that that man was the reason for your discomfort.

Clutching the his hands tigher, he voiced out," could you please continue the presentation miss y/n."

Jay's voice snapped y/n back, making her look at him again.

You could feel his eyes reassuring you, he wished he could go for you and offer your what you needed, all the warmth you needed.

"I'm sorry, so-" you said after deciding to go with it, not wanting to grab any attention towards you.

The tears bursted forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face.

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