falling asleep on them

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He would probably put eveything he was doing away and start at you like you were his favorite peice of art in the house.

Would start to caress your cheeks until you purred softly like a kitten.

He would ask himself-"why he was so lucky to have you in his arms?"

Then he would bring you up to your bedroom in a bridal style just lay with you under his arms.

He would kisses befroe he sleep consumed him fully.


Would continue what he was doing but lower his voice to not wake you up

He would try his best not to move around too much and tighten his grip a little on you

Would become very protective over you and is very happy when you wake up would reassure you he didn't mind.

He would probably sing for you to sleep your favorite song-fly me to the moon. Until he makes sure that you are consumed with sleep.

You feeling safe between his arms would be the best thing for him.


Was already cuddling you before you woke up

Makes sure you stay asleep as long as possible and when you wake up asks if you want/need to rest more.

He would ask how much you have been sleeping lately and and if you've been taking care of yourselfIs happy that he was able to make you rest and feel safe.

He would do anything tonamek you feel safe and provide for you anything you need.


You cuddled up to him and rested your head on his shoulder as he slowly wrapped one of his arms around you while his other hand is still strolling on his phone.

You started dozing off when you when you heard him softly humming to the melody of the song.

When he heard your soft snores. He smiled when he found you asleep.

"sleep well." he said softly while moving a piece of hair away from your face.


He would notice as fast as he can that you were asleep.

Glares at anyone who tries to wake you up or disturb you in any way

"If you keep talking that loud you will have to leave right now."

Checks in with you once you wake up and asks you how you're feeling

Probably laughs seeing you being embarrassed about accidentally falling asleep

Won't admit it but he's very happy that you trust him


His arms were wrapped tightly around your petite form and he gently rubbed your back.

You loved getting your back rubbed just as much as he did, it always felt very comforting.

You would always sleep really well if he would softly raffle through your hair or rub your back.

Sunghoon continued to gentle rub your back until he saw how you were sleeping so soundly in his arms.

He chuckled, burying his nose in your hair and held you closer to him. Soon he also fell asleep with you in his arms.


heart literally sped up at the sight of you curled up on him.

He pulled a curl away from your face so he could see your face clearly.

But would take the opportunity to take pictures of you - whether their for blackmail or just to have you'll never know

unless he knew you needed the sleep he'd probably wake you up with a jump scare or something

then immediately start laughing out apologies when he sees the look on your face

apologies consist of cuddles and kisses

if he lets you stay asleep he'll lean over and kiss your forehead.

then settle back into the bed and do his thing.

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