The Slap and the regret

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"You don't have time for me anymore Sunghoon! What am I a toy?" You yelled at the top of your lungs.

you knew this, and yet, you were so blinded by the rose-tinted lenses of infatuation that you hadn’t noticed the emerging red flag that hinted at a relationship wrought with neglect and strained tempers.

make no mistake, He dotes on you whenever he can. but sometimes.

He simply doesn’t have time to grant you the affection you crave.

You slapped him.

Sunghoon straightens himself, hands falling from your waist.

His eyes burn black with rage and his jaw clenches.

He flinches, but doesn’t otherwise react for a while.

His expression remains stoic and unreadable as he stares at you. It’s like he doesn’t even realise what you just did.

Slowly, the realisation dawns on him, and his eyes fill with anger and pain.

He opens his mouth as if to speak, but then closes it again.

This had never happenedbetween you two. He just can’t put the words into the right places to explain what’s going through his head.

Ultimately, he just turns around and runs out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

You feel like a shit.

when you first agreed to enter a relationship with him—and even before when the prospect of romance was nothing more than a fleeting sprout in your minds.

and you two were still exchanging shy, awkward glances—you were fully aware of how demanding his schedule was. 

That night Sunghoon ended up sleeping on the couch that night because you didn’t want to argue with him over who would sleep in the bed.

you knew he would insist you did.

He wore your duvet all day and ended up using it as his blanket on the couch which meant you had to go find some in the closet.

Right then- sleep didn't want to be your friend.

You missed the feeling of him right next to you, his warm chest rising and falling next to your back, you fingers and legs intertwined, his hair tickling your cheek, his little snores.

You tried to pretend his pillow was him because it smelled like him, but it wasn’t the same.

You couldn’t hear him snoring because your door was shut, but you missed it so much.

Tears weleld up in your eyes- befroe regret started to cling into you like a skin.

It was your fault- you shouldn't do it. Whoa re yout o put your hands on him?

With bare feets- you went to him and started to gently shake him- you just couldn't wait until tomorrow.

The moment he opened his eyes- tears well up in Sunghoon’s eyes before he can stop them. His hand flies up to cup his cheek as his bottom lip quivers.

He doesn’t know what to say, or what to do, other than step back and look at you in both fear and disbelief,

“You hit me,” Sunghoon says, his tone full of shock to the point where it strikes you in the heart.

You don’t know why you hit him, you just lost control, “But we… We promised that we’d never hurt each other…”

He nearly whispers, tears starting to slip down his face as he couldn't hold the emotions inside of him. This was something new to him to.

"I'm sorry Sunghoon. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." You cried again and again.

"You know I'm sorry too- I didn't know that my absence will hurt our relationship." He apologized.

You knew that- you understand that so well.

"can i have a hug?” you asked instead- you dint what to talk about it again.

“you want a hug? of course, darling. come here,” he gestured, before gathering in his arms.

he hugged you tightly around the waist while pressing several kisses to the side of your head. 

you just nodded your head, trying to snuggle into him more.

“I love you.” he muttered into your hair.

"Thank you" you mumbled.

"Shh" he  stopped you before you could get it out "You have nothing to be thankful for."

He brushed your hair behind your shoulder and you just tilted your head to the side, his touch burning your skin.

You didn't know what daze you were in whenever he was near you and he had shown her a side of himself today.

He was a dream. A dream come true. A true knight in shining Armor.

An Armor that  protect everyone he cared about. And forgive everyone.

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