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Jay nervously fidgeted with his laptop case as he waited for his new roommate, you, to come out of your room. He had been looking forward to this moment all week, but now that it was youre, he was a bundle of nerves.

When you finally emerged from your room, Jay's heart skipped a beat. you looked stunning in a casual t-shirt and shorts, your hair in a messy bun.

"Hey, Jay," you said with a smile. "What movie are we watching?"

Jay cleared his throat. "Uh, it's called 'Bullet train." It's a classic action-com, and I thought it would be a good choice for a saturday night in."

your eyes lit up. "Oh, I love that movie! It's been ages since I've seen it."

Jay breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this wouldn't be as awkward as he had feared.

He popped the laptop and settled onto the couch next to you. 

As the opening credits rolled, Jay stole glances at you out of the corner of his eye. 

You were completely engrossed in the movie, laughing at all the right moments and even adding a tear during the emotional scenes, but he couldn't ignore how you were shivering from the cold.

"Ooh," He placed the laptop bag down on the floor and lifted the blanket, realizing that you were only in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. you smiled a little nervously and nodded, sliding in next to him; not quite touching.

He lifted the headphones from his neck and placed them on your carefully before you started to watch whatever it was on the screen, making your eyes feel heavier and heavier until blackness came over your.

you woke up feeling warm and comfortable.

you groaned, arching your back to stretch out your muscles, and noticed that your shoulders were feeling rather heavy. When you looked to your right, you came face to face with a handsome man, who was fast asleep.

you shrieked, trying to jump away but instead got your feet tangled in the blanket that was covering your and fell, landing flat on your face on the floor with your backside up in the air.


"The fuck?" Jay grumbled as his body fell sideways, hitting the sofa due to Daisy's body being gone.

 "What?" He sat up, rubbed at his tired eyes, and raised an eyebrow when he saw you lying face down on the floor.

"What are you doing on the ground?" He asked, ruffling his hair with his fingertips. "You made me fall, you jackass."

"Huh," Jay grunted a reply, "Your underwear's showing." you looked up at your backside. 

your shorts had ridden up and not only were your panties out in the open but pretty much your whole arse cheek was also poking out making feel your heart race and your face turn red as you struggled to respond to his questions.

"don't look." your gaze danced nervously around the room, too shy to meet his eyes directly. your movements were graceful, yet hesitant as if you feared startling him with sudden movements. 

The gentle blush of your cheeks only served to enhance the natural beauty of your face, lending it a warm and welcoming glow.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Y-you... saw-You saw me -" you looked as if he didn't know whether to be angry or shocked, but eventually chose to be shocked.

He fucking saw me, he just saw my arse. 

"You shouldn't walk around the house dressed like that," He snapped at you, who just rolled your eyes.

 What he was saying? He couldn't help but not to ignore the fact that he liked what he was seeing.

"Whatever," your face was still red from embarrassment, but you also felt a little dejected, as Jay did not react while he was just masking it, whatsoever to your butt being out. 

Despite your shyness, there was an undeniable grace and poise to your movements, as if you were a delicate flower swaying in the breeze.

"I am going to make coffee! "Though your words were soft and shy, each one carried with it a depth of feeling and sincerity that left him spellbound. 

At that moment, he realized that your shyness was not a flaw, but rather a precious gift that he was lucky enough to witness.

He got a hot roommate after all, who will probably blow his mind in the next few days.

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