when you are shorter than them

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He was used to being the shortest around the other members so it felt nice to not be the shortest.

he also found it to be adorable how small you were. he’d joke around about taking you everywhere

And he'd always ask you, "how are you so short?"

But your only answer will be. “I know you love my shortness"

"That- I do."


He wouldn’t mind the obvious height difference between you both, he loved it actually.

He love love love sneakin up behind you and resting their chin atop your head

Him being really tall and you being really short just made things more fun for him. Having to help you to reach things from high places made him feel soft inside at how cute you were.

He would designate his job, him reaching things for you when you couldn’t.


Heesung loved your height, he loved the contrast between both of your heights and found it quite interesting.

He'd tease you a little if you couldn’t reach something on a high shelf because he thinks you’re extra cute when you pout.

He would joke around whenever you were walking somewhere together asking you silly questions like “How are you down there?”

And you go with-"shut up!"


He can easily sling an arm over your shoulder and tuck you against his side.

He love pressing sweet kisses against the side of your head.

He would just wanna hug you all the time and they’d really enjoy back-hugging you, just being able to hold onto your and sometimes piggy-back rides.

Sometimes when you want to kiss him he starts denying to lower himself. Teasing you with- "c'mon you can do it!'

"Shut up."

When he’s feeling sad or upset about something, Jake will wrap his body around yours like a snake, trying to reassure himself that you’re still here and that he can protect you.


Like you kind of need him to get the chocolate chips out of the cabinet or the toilet paper from the closet and he likes that you depend on him.

“I’m sorry y/n but you're too cute to take seriously”

He might just end up cooing and pulling you onto his lap as you rant about something, he’ll only be half listening.


He's the type  to tease you for kisses, making you stand on your tiptoes before they press their lips playfully against yours. And this is totally cheesy but he would have you stand on his toes and dance with you.

For him, the height difference definitely helps when he wants to cuddle you. You fit perfectly on his lap and aren’t too heavy

You thought the difference in height made you look mismatched, and that was what brought out the insecurity.

But he would always comfort me with- "Don’t you worry your pretty little mind over things like this. I love us just the way we are”


He'd always say-"I must protect small creatures, just like you y/n."

He didn’t mind your height in the slightest, finding you cuter because of it.

He would  grin when you asked for help reaching something up high. It was his favorite time.

When you’re at public places he would have to make a conscious effort to not lose you in a crowd.

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