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Accidentally giving you a hickey- @inkkoya


Jake started kissing your neck making you let out a small moan. He continued to kiss your neck and collarbone, and you felt yourself getting more and more turned on. Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain on your neck, and you gasped.

"Did I hurt you?" Jake asked, concerned.

He rubbed your neck and felt a small, tender spot. "No, it's okay," you said. "I think you just gave me a love bite."

"A what?" Jake asked, looking confused.

"A love bite," you repeated, smiling. "It's like a hickey. It's when you suck on someone's skin until it leaves a mark."

"Oh," Jake said, understanding the dawning on his face. "Is that a good thing?"

You laughed. "It can be," you said. "It's kinda related to a badge of honor, I guess. It shows that we're into each other."

"So you are wearing it as a badge of honor?"



Feeling a bit bold, heeseung leaned in and whispered in your ear, "I want to give you a love bite."

you laughed, knowing how heeseung could get when he was tipsy. "Okay, but not too hard," you said.

heeseung started kissing your neck, and you closed your eyes, feeling yourself getting more and more turned on. Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain on your neck, and you gasped.

"heeseung!" you exclaimed, pulling away. you felt your neck and realized that heeseung had left a dark, bruise-like mark on your skin.

"I'm sorry,'' Heeseung said, looking sheepish. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

you felt a mix of emotions. Part of you was annoyed that heeseung had been so careless, but another part of you felt a thrill at the idea of wearing the mark of his passion.

you knew that the love bite would be visible for a few days, but you also knew that it would be a reminder of your intense connection.

But either way, you knew that it would fade soon, but for now, it was a visible symbol of your love and lust for each other.


"Ow!" you said, pulling away. you rubbed your neck and felt a small, tender spot. "Did you just give me a love bite?" you asked, surprised.

Jay looked a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to. I just got carried away."

you smiled, feeling a mix of amusement and affection for Jay. "It's okay," you said. "I kind of like it, actually."

Jay looked relieved, and he leaned in to kiss you again.

This time, he was more gentle, but you could still feel the excitement building inside you. you knew that you were still figuring things out, but you couldn't help feeling like you had something special.

As you continued to watch the movie, you found yourself absentmindedly rubbing the spot on your neck where Jay had left his mark. you knew that it would fade soon, but for now.

it was a reminder of the passion and connection that you shared. And you couldn't wait to see where your relationship would go next.


The air was thick with the scent of sweat, perfume, and alcohol in the club.

You can see people of all shapes and sizes, dressed in their best club attire, moving and swaying to the music.

Some are dancing alone, lost in the rhythm, while others are in groups, laughing and jumping together. The dance floor is packed, with bodies pressing against each other as they move.

you were dancing close, and Sunghoon started kissing your neck, causing you to giggle and squirm. you were both feeling a bit frisky, and before long, you were making out in a dark corner of the club.

As you continued to kiss, Sunghoon started sucking on your neck, leaving a dark mark behind. you were both lost in the moment, and you didn't realize how visible the mark was until you left the club and stepped into the bright streetlights.

"Oh my God," you said, looking at your reflection in a storefront window. "You gave me a hickey!"

Sunghoon looked embarrassed. "It seems like I got carried away."

you sighed. "It's okay," you said. "But I have to go to work tomorrow, and I can't have this on my neck."

Sunghoon looked worried. "What should we do?" he asked.

you thought for a moment. "Maybe we can cover it up with makeup," you said.

you went back to you's apartment, and you rummaged through your makeup bag until you found some concealer. you carefully applied it to the mark on your neck, blending it in until it was almost invisible.

"Wow," Sunghoon said, looking impressed. "You're good at this."

you grinned. "Thanks," you said. "I've had to cover up a lot of this."

you both laughed, feeling a bit silly but also relieved that you had found a solution. As you settled into bed, you couldn't help feeling a bit of pride at the hickey that Sunghoon had left on your neck.

It was a visible reminder of your passion and excitement, even if you had to keep it hidden from the rest of the world.

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