counting his moles after the dare

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you were always so sweet.

your eyes were like pools of darkness that anyone mercilessly fell into, because he himself had a sweet tooth. Your boyfriend.

When he looked into your eyes, it felt as if

he wouldn't ever have to worry every again

- except he did. 

Just your eyes alone were comforting, but they made him want to search for a deeper purpose, search for what else you could be hiding inside of those beautiful insightful orbs.

Moving on to your skin, the same skin that he

would he could touch and batter with his own fingertips.

your skin was perfect, completely flawless even, the perfect shade of ivory with a softness that drove him mad. 

It was quite obvious for anyone with a set of eyes to see how well you took care of yourself on a daily basis.

your dark hair that flowed effortlessly

down past your shoulders, it was anotyour

weakness of his. 

As previously mentioned, you were a goddamn treat. 

Caramel and honey were two of the sweetest and most indulging flavors in the world. 

Sunghoon would always ask himself-What else did this woman have behind your beautiful appearance that he didn't know about? 

What you tasted, would your lips be as sweet as your looks. 

And he did have all his answers after that dare. When you were dared to kiss his moles- but he got the chance to taste your cherry lips.

The dare that changed your life upside down.

And you were so thankful for it. 

For him-It is hard to describe a woman who holds such beauty beyond those eyes.

Beauty was often a layer that God placed over us to hide our deepest and darkest insecurities.

you came awake with a long languid stretch. A series of small cracks, pops and moans slipped from your body as you rolled from your side to your back and every inch of you felt lovely and relaxed for it. 

Even when a large hand flamed out across your waist pulling you to face its scarred owner and pressing your front flush to his, the peaceful state of your form did not change. 

If anything it only added to your current warm contentment as you snuggled closer to Sunghoon. Your boyfriend.

And just like the first time you had woken up next to him there was no awkwardness about it.

"Good morning" Sunghoon purred, hugging you to him with the one arm he had pressed to your back, rubbing the tip of his nose against your forehead before kissing it softly, leaving his lips as though he had no thought to put them elsewhere.

"Good morning." you replied with a long yawn, reaching up to cover your mouth with the back of your hand as you spoke. 

your mind still foggy from its sleep and wanting to stay that way with the want to continue enjoying the warmth of Sunghoon's body, especially the heat his bare chest provided. 

"You know what my favorite thing about you is?” you asked suddenly, causing you to blink in surprise. “Your moles”

“y/n, stop it,” he said, chuckling.

“No, seriously…” you whispered, staring at him with eyes of adoration. “I could count all of them.”

“Can you count my moles ?” Sunghoon laid his head on your lap and closed his eyes. He looked so tired yet so naturally gorgeous.

“One, two…” you whispered half smiling watching him relax under the soft touch of your fingertip on his cheekbones. "You have four on your face. And on five on your back-"

Counting his moles is something you only do when Sunghoon has a bad day and it’s getting more frequent lately. 

And that makes you worry sick about him. 

 “I missed you so much,” He whispered again, leaning over and kissing your lips softly.

"I missed you too." 

"I have an idea?" You said suddenly making him frown at your sudden energy. "What?"

"This day we will concentrate on our relaxation-"  It was the morning and your relationship was the kind that silence was all you needed to be happy. When the two of you were together, your energy fed off each other's presence, and there was a sort of peace.

"What do you mean?" 

"Let's have some skin care masks? We really need it, hoonie!" You mentioned your skin that felt dry under touch.

"You are beautiful, you know that right?" He said with his soft voice, caressing your cheeks.

When you see someone with true beauty, you

never seem to wonder what else could that

person could be hiding, because their beauty

makes them seem like a goddamn saint.

Beauty was the killer of all mankind.

Dropping to your knees at the sight of someone beautiful was easy, but reaching into the soul of someone with such beauty was something that nobody often did. 

"You are beautiful too." You mumbled hugging him, "but we need some time to relax." The first reason you suggested this was for Sunghoon and not you. You just have to accept it. 

"Okay- we will." 

His confirmation made you stand up and go to prepare everything ready. Happy with him to have alone time and peaceful time. 


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