stealing a kiss from them

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stealing kissed frm them
written by inkkoya


The two of you spent the whole day just talking, laughing and getting to know each other.

you just thought that deserved a kiss.

you will softly cup his cheek, making him freeze in his spot. “I really want to kiss you?”

you wishpired softly- his warm breath fanning your face, and when he’d nod in affirmation.

you will smile beautifully before leaning in slowly, capturing his lips in a slow kiss.

he wil end up saying-”you are crazy babe,”

“and you are mine,”


“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.” you ask him waiting fro his response.

“and I don’t want that?”

“I will just steal it then jake,”

“then do it”

you loved challenges an you do all of them, you leaned froward to kiss him more blike steal a kiss like  athiref.

“you look like  athief right now” he said mocking you in  ateasing tone.

“so you are guetteing shy ight now?” he asked again, stopping himself from laughing at the sight of the two red spots raining on your cheeks.

“don’t call me that,"you said ina annoyed voice

“call you what babe?” he asked teasing again- making you swallow your words in embarrassment.

“a thief-” you said.

“you are a heart thief baby, and I love you too-”


He’s so dumb yet so cute-You wanted to kiss him, getting closer to him quietly.

You just made sure he’s sleeping that’s when you got an idea making you straddle his lap settling down slowly careful not to wake him up-

but you did when you leaned to kiss him making hi seye sflatter like two flashing beans- he was just so cute to annoy.

Seeing his face you just coulsn’t stoop yourself rom laughing- before yu slipped away from him running away laughing at his face.

he just would get so giggly-like he’ll be like “what are you doing?” and his heart would be beating as it could go-

since it was so unexpected he would also just stare at you in shock-then he quickly pecks your lips as quick as he could.

“Next time you tell me if yoù want to kiss alright?” he said while looking funny at you- it was like you grew two corns over your head-
he was not the one too joke with.

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