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"Oh, without a doubt, so here's my deal. I'll let you escape, for now, and you can return to your life, whichever path you choose, land or sea, but I kill Mako. He no longer serves his purpose, so what's the point of keeping him alive? Or, you can fight me for him. If you win, you can take Mako and yourself and go live your life Ocean free. If you lose, however, ahahaha..." She cackled. "You, Mako, and his brothers, die."

Anybody who can say that and wear a smile, shouldn't be alive. What should I do! I'll die no matter what I choose!

"Ready?" Ocean gibed.

"A-ah!" Mako gasped and tilted his head, gasping for breath.

"Let him go first! You can't kill him until I've lost!" Naida barked.

Ocean shrugged and rested her hands on her hips. Instantly, Mako relaxed, slouching as he slowly drifted down, taking in deep breaths.

"Begin~" Ocean fumed, radiating hatred and anticipation. A thresher shark from the nearby reef darted away from the sphere and raced towards Naida.

Naida nearly jumped out of her skin at the unpredicted way of attack and threw her hands out in front of her, quickly making motions to try to direct the Shark away. While it worked, the Shark wouldn't swim away, he'd come in from another angle and attempt to get close. It was clear he had nothing but Naida's death on his mind.

Ocean's using pawns to attack for her so she can save more energy, while I have to use my newfound magic to try to fend them off. I'm not going to be able to keep this up for long.

Naida shot another blast of water at the shark, but it dogged and got way too close for comfort before Naida was able to send it away at the last second, but it's long whip-like tail slapped her across the face while it was shoved back. "Gah!" She gasped and touched her stinging cheek. A ripple of red tinged water followed her fingers, and she knew she was bleeding, thought luckily, it didn't feel too serious.

Naida glaired daggers at the shark, holding her hands in front of her, as she waited to see where it would come from next, but it didn't continue it's pursuit. It turned around and charged Ocean. She startled at the sudden betrayal, but with a wave of her hand, the threat was eliminated and where the shark once was, was a school of shiny and colorful minnows.

"You'll stay back if you have any respect for your creator." Ocean hissed at Naida.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now