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Tears pricked Ray's eyes, but he wasn't sad, he was frustrated. Why, why was it him she left awake? He couldn't do anything! He couldn't help his brothers, not with his abilities. He didn't have Shark's strength both in body and words, Krait's amazing ability to control mass amounts of animals, Lionfish's cunning tricks for any situation, or even Mako's skill for planning ahead. Any of those qualities would be pretty helpful right now.

What did he have? He's good at kissing up to others and making them feel good, but that couldn't help him now, not when he needed to take action this moment. His shells were no help, nor was his breath.

He didn't have much time left, no, time was up. He ran his fingers through Naida's messy hair; it was tangled and had bits of shells and kelp knotted in it, obviously still unkempt from this morning. He glowered at Mana. Maybe there was something he could do.

"Well? Let's go." Mana commanded and beckoned him over.

"Please, forgive me Naida. I swear on my love for you that I will return to your side and bring you home." Ray wept to her quietly. He gently set her aside and swam full speed at Mana.

She scowled and rolled her eyes. "Ugh, seriously? Fine, your loss." She was just outside Ray's reach when he instantly felt his limbs go numb, and his eyes droop almost completely closed. No! He couldn't fall asleep! He had to fight for his family! He crashed into her and wrapped his arms around her as the world around him disappeared on the other side of his heavy eyelids.

"You..." Ray murmured, too tired to finish, and drifted off, overtaken by Mana's curse.


Naida's eyes were shut tight, pinpricks of cold bat against her skin, and her ears were bombarded with a constant whistling, whooshing sound. Her insides felt scrambled, terror clawed her heart, and panic made her limbs tremble, but she didn't know what it was that was making her feel this way. Her instincts told her something bad was about to happen, but what?

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