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"Uh, gloriousma?" Naida echoed, confused.

"Indeed! Your mother's mother." She nodded, folding her arms.

"Wait," Naida waved her hands in front of her, "My mother's mother, you mean grandma?"

"Oh no, I am far too superior to simply be, grand. I am glorious!"

"T-that's not really how it works," Naida mumbled under her breath, chuckling a little. Speaking up, Naida said, "So if you were my mother's mother, was my mom a mermaid? Or, a siren?" Naida hoped it wasn't the latter, but, it would explain why she gets a siren's tail.

"Nether! She was the last of her species, a naiad. I killed off her species when I found that I had made them too powerful, but she eluded her fate by living on land, where my power was weakest, however, this also meant her power was weaker as well. Instead of me killing her in the ocean, she sentenced herself to mortality which only delayed the inevitable. Apparently, she hooked up with a human while she was there, and that was too much. Humans fascinate me, but I can't have them mixing with my fine work, so I sent out a tsunami to punish her. By some miracle, she got caught in it, and I had my chance to eliminate her, and of course, I did. After that, I made sirens and merfolk, both species are unable to go on land, repopulate, and have almost no magic."

Naida couldn't move, it was hard to breathe. Her mother had died because of her? Her mother, a naiad, whom she had never even had the chance to know her long enough to remember. Her life was taken because she was too powerful? "How is that fair!" Naida shouted before she could stop herself.

"Life isn't fair you of all people should know that by now. The only reason you're still alive is because water couldn't kill your mom in any way and that trait was passed onto you, along with others." Ocean paused, then let out a laugh. "Th only reason you haven't met the same fate as her is purely because I'm curious about you. Rest assured, you won't make it out of here alive."

"Uh, is there any way I could avoid dying?" Naida squirmed uncomfortably. Where are the brothers? What happened to them? Naida wondered, surprised it took her this long to think of them.

"Hmmm, no, not really." Ocean laughed. "Even half-human, you're more powerful than any siren or merfolk. Even if you lived out the rest of your days as my servant, you could still potentially pose a threat."

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