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Just as soon as the unsettling feeling in her throat disappeared, a new and excruciating sensation appeared through her whole body and felt as if she was exploding and imploding at the same time. She was pumped up enough to run a mile straight, but too exhausted to hardly move. She felt the strength of a thousand people coursing through her muscles but they ached as if she had been beaten by a thousand people. Her insides burned but her skin felt icy. She wanted to cry and scream and demand Ocean tell her what was happening, but her mouth felt strange and she couldn't concentrate enough to form the right words in her head.

Was she dying? Did Ocean decide Naida was too powerful to keep alive?

"Ah, so you must have some of your mom's control in you, or else your instincts would've made you cough the pearl up. And what's better, your power is strong! Tell me, on a scale of one to ten, one being the worst thing you've ever felt in your life and ten being you're going to die any second now, how would you rate your agony?" Ocean quizzed, a sadistic look contorting her gentle features.

At this point, Naida was struggling to even take in air and she couldn't tell if it had been that way for a second or an hour. So... probably an eight? Possibly a nine. When this is over, control over my powers or not, I'm going to kill her. Naida thought spitefully, still seething with pain, but now with anger thrown into the mix.

Ocean sighed, quickly growing bored. "Ugh, I guess you have more human in you than I hoped. The effects should've worn off after a few seconds if things went as I suspected."

The pain was starting to dull now, no, it wasn't fading as much as the positive feelings were overpowering the negative ones. A few more long and still painful seconds passed before she couldn't even feel anything but the adrenaline empowering her. She felt as if she could face Ocean and win here and now, but she knew that was just an illusion, even if that's exactly what she wanted to do.

"Ocean, what was that? What did you just do to me?" Naida growled, her fingers twitching. She couldn't keep still, it was as if she had electricity lighting her up, but in an energetic way rather than a painful one.

"That pear contained a piece of my power. If you had little to no powers, it would've killed you, if you had little to no human in you, then it would've just made you feel funny. It seems you're pretty well balanced, if not a little more human, by the way you were writhing a few moments ago." Ocean gestured to Naida's body. "But now that you've gotten a little boost, it should be easier for you to bring out your powers. Now, try pushing me with water, like you did to Lionfish." Ocean suggested and waved her hand.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now