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Naida pushed down her rising anxiety and brushed her hands against Lionfish and Ray's. Their fingers twitched against hers and she let their fingers intertwine with hers. It doesn't matter what Mako did at this point, she was choosing to do this because she needed a feeling of support and security.

She glanced at Ray in the corner of her eye and saw he had a small but pleasant smile on his lips. She looked at Lionfish the same way, though his reaction wasn't as discreet, as he was failing to suppress the goofy grin that always dawned on him whenever Naida showed any kind of romantic gesture.

Krait sighed. "I just can't get a break around you guys. Come on, let a brother indulge on a full moon a little."

"Krait," Shark growled, his voice becoming hostile. You knew Shark was serious when his voice became threatening because while he would never in a million years become physically dangerous, just his tone when angry made your adrenaline pump.

"Fine." Krait huffed and beckoned with one hand for Naida to come forward. "Come on, let's get this over with."

Naida took a deep breath and gently squeezed her hands, signaling Ray and Lionfish she was ready to head forward. They took her up to Krait and kept their eyes fixed on him.

"Now what?" Naida asked.

"I just need to wrap a hand around each of your ankles, then your legs will transform into the same tail you had when Betta used her gift on you." Krait explained calmly.

At least the reality that Mako was gone had calmed him down a bit; Krait's amorous side made Naida uneasy.

Naida lifted up her legs, using Ray and Lionfish as support, and allowed Krait to place his hands around her ankles. You could tell the moment that Krait made contact with Naida, the power of the full moon immediately took control of him again. Shark moved his hands to Krait's shoulders, ready to pull him away as soon as the transformation was complete.

It wasn't painful, but it definitely wasn't a comfortable sensation. It felt like her legs had fallen asleep and the pins and needles were starting to set in, starting from the tips of her toes and creeping up her legs. Everywhere the sensation manifested, her pale skin changed into yellow and pink scales. Her feet became flippers, and her two legs became one tail.

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