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"Well, you're too potentially powerful to go back out into the world, think of all the magic you could expose to delicate lifeforms, the chaos you could stir. No, no, that would be horrible, so I think I'll just keep you here, with me and my servants, where you can learn to control your power. Once I see your capabilities, well, many things could happen, anything from you becoming my second in command, a servant, or dying on the spot. I guess we'll find out." Ocean sang, and turned to the wall, where a tunnel opened up and a figure was swimming through it towards them.

"Here's your meal, I thought I'd run a test while I was at it. You know, human emotions fascinate me, especially the strong ones. Your reactions are just so, entertaining!"

Naida was confused about what Ocean was prattling on about until the figure entered the room. Oh she felt some strong emotions alright.

"N-Naida?" Mako did a double-take and nearly dropped his platter of oyster and seaweed rolls. "No, no!" Mako turned around, but the exit had closed.

"Mako, what are you doing here?" Naida grit her teeth and went over the motions to force water in her head. "What is he doing here?" Naida shouted and faced Ocean, flinging an arm at him.

"All my servants here have lost their purpose. Merfolk and Sirens whose humans have died, well, what's the point to them existing anymore? So in their aimless wander in search of something to dedicate their life to, they always end up here, where they can dedicate their lives to me instead! See, I can do good things, I'm not all, I must kill powerful, good, and innocent people! Rah!" Ocean dissolved in giggles.

Naida huffed, feeling her thoughts were being violated. "But I am very alive, not that I want you around, but why are you here?" She turned back to Mako, trying to cover up her fear with her anger.

"Because I wanted to get as far away as possible from you! I can't take away my brothers' reason for existing! I may be a siren but I'm not heartless!" Mako shouted back, his face screamed frustration, but his eyes held sadness. Mako sighed and set the platter to the side, where it slowly drifted to the floor. He rubbed his arms and watched the platter while he admitted, "They can live without me, but not without you."

Just when she was starting to get over the guilt, it pierced through her heart once again like a flaming arrow. "Well you tried to kill me!" Naida argued.

"Do you think I wanted to?"

"Of course, you're a siren! You were made to kill me!"

"That doesn't mean I can't change my fate!" His voice echoed.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now