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"You!" Shark barked, threw Naida into the nearest brother's arms, which was Lionfish, and barreled towards her.

"Oh, don't do that." She sighed and moved out of Shark's way. When he was a few feet from her he went limp and drifted right past her.

"Shark!" Krait whined and swam to him, keeping his distance from the siren.

"What did you do to him?" Ray demanded.

Lionfish started lightly shaking Naida in an attempt to wake her up.

"He's just resting." She smirked and watched Krait attempt to wake Shark up, though he wasn't responding to anything, he didn't even appear to be breathing, and neither did Naida.

"T-their not dead, right?" Lionfish whimpered. "You didn't kill them, right?" He glared at his, his voice becoming venomous.

"They're just sleepy." She cooed. "Now that I mention it, aren't you tired too?" She cocked her head at him with an impish sneer.

"What? N... no..." Lionfish managed to get out, right before going into the same comatose state as Shark and Naida.

"What do you want?" Ray shouted at her, rushing to Lionfish and Naida.

"Nothing of much value, just that oddity there." She pointed a finger at Naida. "And I'm afraid that if you don't hand her over, you'll meet the same fate as your brothers." She swept a hand at Lionfish, Shark, and now Krait, who had fallen asleep right after Lionfish.

The blood drained from Ray's face as he beheld the horrible sight. It truly looked as if they were dead. Ray took Lionfish in his arms and held his head to Lionfish's chest, checking for a heartbeat. He was elated to discover he was still alive, but his heartbeat had slowed significantly, to the point where if it were any slower, he truly would die.

There was no way he was going to hand over Naida, but he had no doubt he didn't stand a chance against this siren and her incredible curse. Why, why did he have such a useless ability! He was too far away to charge at the siren before she cursed him, his shells were useless, and he had no backup.

"Why bother killing her! Would it hurt you to eat a fish? I know you guys are made to destroy your humans, but feeding off of others is beyond excessive!"

The siren glared daggers at him and Ray was sure he was about to fall under her curse, but then the siren burst out laughing. "Oh man! You really are a riot!" She guffawed. "I don't know which is more priceless, that you think I want to kill her, or that you just told me to eat a fish!"

Ray sat uncomfortably and waited for the siren to finish laughing. He knew he couldn't attack her, perhaps he could stall.

"You know, The Heart could use some of your humor. If you come peacefully, I'll even let you hold onto your... mer-person? Whatever she is, Mother wants to meet her."

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now