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Thank goodness they were mermen; if she let them do this, she didn't think they could hold back. Naida was no pervert by all means, but could merfolk even reproduce? Sure they were made to please their humans, especially in a romantic manner, but they were created through magic, not made through reproduction, so how would their biology work?

Guess all she could do was ask, but that would be way too awkward, best leave that subject for another time far in the future.

Lionfish returned with Ray and Shark close behind. "So after we give you our gifts, we're going to return to our rooms and lock them, just to be safe, so when you wake up, please unlock them for us. They only unlock from the outside." Ray chuckled.

"So no sleeping in, got it bedhead?" Lionfish teased. What was up with him and his odd nicknames?

Naida laughed. "Yeah, I got it. Now come on." Naida motioned for them to come to her, and they assumed the places they normally did when bestowing their gifts. Lionfish and Shark were behind her and Ray was in front.

Everything was going as it normally did, she felt all her being senses restored, but she decided to take a chance. While Ray was kissing her, she leaned into it a little and kissed back. He flinched with surprise, and he hesitated, but then quickly went back to giving her breath and enjoying her participation.

Receiving the gifts felt much longer and enjoyable this time, and Naida quickly regretted not kissing back sooner.

When Ray pulled away, he had a bright smile on, but it was clear he was confused. Naida put a finger to her smiling lips and winked.

"Is that all?" Shark checked with her and she nodded.

"Goodnight then, Naida," Ray said, obviously blushing.

"Rest well." Shark bit farewell as he followed Ray.

"No sleep swimming." Lionfish taunted as he exited.

"Ugh, that was once!" Naida stuck her tongue out at him and they both giggled, then Lionfish shut the door behind him.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now