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"Okay, we're here," Mana whispered after ten more minutes of swimming in silence. "Oh, that silence was maddening. We'll chat later, kay?" Mana smiled, let go of her, and left, leaving Naida alone in a small dark room. She attempted to follow Mana back out, but the entrance had sealed behind her.

"Oh no..." Naida whined and wrapped her arms around herself and tucked her legs in. She assumed she was going to officially meet the Ocean now, but after what she had said to her, she was terrified for it to happen.

A soft glow began emitting from a small spot in the middle of the bottom of the room, and out of curiosity, Naida swam to it. It only grew brighter as the seconds passed.

"Is this..." She murmured, then cut herself off when she realized it was the same seeing pool she had watched Ocean use in her dream. Naida backed up in a hurry as the light brightened to the same intensity it had in her dream, and again like in her dream, Ocean rose from the pool, forming from sand, bubbles, water, and kelp.

"Naida! Oh, how I've been waiting for this day!" She sang and drifted through the water towards Naida effortlessly.

"W-wait! No, why?" Naida spluttered as she backed up until her back was against the wall. "What do you want with me!" She shouted, trembling.

"Oh, just to ask a few questions, uncover a few secrets, nothing much. Tell me, how many times have your powers activated? I've only felt your power surge once, but I want to know your point of view." She gushed eagerly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Naida cried.

Ocean paused, then sighed. "You have the knowledge of any other human, but are more powerful than any of them will ever be. Very well, let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

Naida nodded slowly, bracing herself for what may come next.

"Well, according to human terms, I would be your..."

"Adoptive mother?" Naida chuckled lightly, but shut up when Ocean's sharp glare locked on her.

"Never interrupt me, especially if you're wrong. I gave those mermen a feeling of what to do with you and what happened, but feelings are more complicated and the message must've gotten mixed up. I never rebirthed you, or whatever the term is, I simply didn't let the ocean kill you; I wasn't done studying you and what better way to study you than for you to be trapped in my own domain! The truth is, I'd be your gloriousma." Ocean smiled widely and watched Naida expectantly.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now