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The woman stepped out of the well and onto the floor, looking right through Naida, then turned and kneeled in front of the well. She touched the surface of the water with her fingertips, and it suddenly flashed a light as bright as day. Naida threw her hands over her eyes, though it was a second too late and there was a noticeable light spot in her vision.

The brightness immediately dulled down just enough to light up most of the cavern and cast dancing rays across the smooth surfaces. She blinked several times before the light spot faded and she could see that the water woman was peering intently into the pool. Naida stepped closer to the pool, but kept her distance from the woman in case she could sense her presence or some magic she had to have possessed.

No way, this isn't... this couldn't possibly be... Naida's thoughts were swirling in disbelief. But she needed more proof before she came to a conclusion.

The pool's surface shimmered and changed as a reflection appeared, but it was as if she was looking at a distorted video, rather than at water. Naida instantly recognized the scene playing as the very same scene she had just re-experienced, falling off the cliff.

"Such a shame. She was an interesting little experiment." The woman spoke sympathetically. She touched the water's surface again and Naida squeezed her eyes shut before she could be blinded again, but the flash of light never came. She opened her eyes and saw that the picture had simply zoomed in.

"Oh." Naida chuckled to herself quietly, feeling silly.

"Perhaps, her mother will save her." The woman mused, catching Naida's attention.

Her mother? Her mother died when she was only a few months old. The lady didn't seriously believe in guardian angels, did she?

Naida took a slow breath in. "Hello?" She blurted, testing if the woman could see her. No response. She walked over and sat down next to her, but she still didn't react.

"Hmm, maybe not; mortals are weak." She placed a finger on the little Naida, only a few yards from the ocean. "Let's see where this goes." She smiled curiously and made a circular motion in the remaining space between Naida and the sea, then swiped up to Naida.

Real Naida watched the ocean thrust out a huge wave, three times as big as the others and glowing a soft teal color, catch Naida in its surf, and tuck her gently under the sea.

"Is that what happened?" Naida gasped.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now