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"M-mother? As in, the ocean?" Ray gaped.

"Do you have another mother?" She scoffed.

"Wait, but the ocean doesn't have a physical form, she just... exists as an entity, a deity. You're lying to me so you can take Naida!" Ray accused and held Naida in his other arm.

"Oh, please don't fight it!" She began laughing again. "I really want to bring you to The Heart."

"What is The Heart?" Ray asked, continuing to stall. He tried to wake Lionfish by poking his eyelid, just soft enough to be annoying and not hurt.

The siren's strange eyes became distant and dreamy. "The Heart of the Sea. A beautiful structure built by the ocean herself to house her and all her true followers. It's beautiful and huge, but everyone is so serious there! I've got the pranks covered, and that adds a little humor to my day, but a sense of humor like yours would be sure to lighten the mood a lot better."

Lionfish still wasn't responding to Ray's pestering so he gave up doing that. There might now be a way to wake them up since the siren put them under with her curse, it was more than likely that it was magic keeping them under.

His only choice was to go with this siren and hope for the best.

"I didn't catch your name," Ray spoke up.

"Mana, and you?" She beckoned for him to come closer.

"It's Ray. And the human you're trying to kidnap is Naida, so, so you better call her as such!" He demanded uncertainty and stood his ground.

"It doesn't matter what I call her, I'm not going to know her for long. Now, are you going to follow me or do I have to put you to sleep as well?" She asked impatiently.

"I-I'll come! But, what about my brothers? You can't just leave them drifting here. They'll be eaten!"

"Well I can't have them following me, you guys will try to stop me for sure. I suppose I could wake them once we're out of eye and earshot." She contemplated

"I'd really appreciate that," Ray said softly. "If you could guarantee my brother's and Naida's safety, I'll be your willing captive."

"You're not the important one here, it's your human. She's the real captive." She pointed at Naida, sleeping peacefully against Ray.

"Whatever, just, wake up my brothers and take me to Mother Ocean."

"I'm afraid you have the order reversed."

"Ugh, that doesn't matter right now! Just, please, let's get this over with. I just want Naida to be safe."

How could he be so weak? He wasn't even trying to protect his family. He just assumed that surrendering was the only way to fix things. It was, wasn't it?

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now