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"Naida, stop! Come here!" He quietly shouted to her.

Why was he being quiet? Naida ignored him and pressed on, determined now to try her best to escape.

"Naida..." Ocean's voice echoed around her as if it was coming from the walls. No, it was coming from the water itself. "You know you can't escape from me, the Ocean, while in the ocean? You realize that right?" Her high-and-mighty tone was aggravating as always, but it didn't stop Naida.

Then, Naida stopped. She suddenly had the most irresistible urge to turn around and go to Mako, who was quickly gaining on her. What? What's going on? She looked over her shoulder at Mako and just barely stopped herself from going to him. No, he used his curse on me! That slimy eel! Naida fought the urge to go to him and continued on, but had lost her built up momentum. And after saying he's not evil, ugh! I knew I couldn't trust him!

Again, her heart ached to go to him and her brain said it was the right thing to do, and this time she turned around but didn't move. "No!" Naida grunted, using everything in her to keep herself from swimming to him, but she wasn't strong enough to make herself swim away.

It was too late anyway, Mako had reached her. "Stop fighting, I'm not going to turn you in." Mako hissed and grabbed her again, forcing her to look into his eerie eyes. "You don't belong here, you belong with my brothers, and I'll go belly up before Ocean decides your fate for you."

"Oh, cut the crap, Mako!" Naida groaned and tried to push him away, but he held tight. "You're a siren, it's your job to carry out Ocean's fate! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, and you'll never get my trust back. Mako, you tried to kill me! You haven't forgotten have you?"

"How could I? The guilt weighs me down like stones in water. I ruined my life because I couldn't resist the moon's magic, don't you think I wish I could take that back? Did nothing I said earlier get through to you? I'm not defined by what I am, but by who I am!" Mako shouted sadly; his voice was heavy and if he weren't underwater, he would probably be crying.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang