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"Ah, it's too bad none of us have a healing gift." Ray cursed.

"It can't be helped." Naida sighed and shook her arm. "I'll be fine."

"I..." Lionfish said but a couple more giggles cut him off before he could speak again. "I can't even come up with a snarky thing to say." He clutched his stomach and took deep stuttering breaths.

"Well, why don't you stop laughing and help me swim, fish face." Naida spat, only teasing. At this point, she and Lionfish could say anything to each other and know it's a joke.

"Ah, but it so much funnier seeing you flail around." Lionfish smirked and swished his tail in a way where he hardly moved, but he sent strong ripples of water towards Naida, making her lose balance. He burst back into laughter as she struggled to regain control of herself and her failing tail.

"Lionfish, cut it out!" Krait snapped and threw a rock at his back, then helped Naida straighten up. Naida was unsure around him but accepted his help. Krait noticed this. "Naida, I-I'm sorry about last night. You do realize that wasn't me, right?"

Naida nodded. "Yeah, and I'm sorry too. I should've let you give your gift to me a long time ago. I caused you to lose control." Naida confessed shamefully.

Ever since coming back to the ocean, after leaving her friends, she's had an overwhelming feeling of disgrace and regret. Why couldn't she just make everyone happy, while still being happy herself? She hated herself for leaving her friends behind without a valid explanation, splitting up the brothers because of her own faults, and breaking the hearts of everyone she meets. How does she expect herself to carry all of this on her shoulders and continue on as if she's okay?

She didn't realize her body had moved on her own until she realized she had her arms tightly wrapped around Krait and her face buried in the crook of his neck. Even though he was the smallest of the brothers, he was still half a head taller than her, and her body fit perfectly against his. Krait hesitated to do anything, but then tentatively put his arms around her and hugged her back, cradling her against him and stroking the back of her head.

The Ocean's Song (pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now