Chapter 6

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Liam's / Niall's p.o.v

Running over to the bathroom, Niall leant over the toilet bowl, mentally cursing the day he met Liam as he puked.

Leaning back against the wall, Niall was considering just falling asleep in his bathroom, when he noticed Liam stood sheepishly by the door.

Standing up, Niall pulled his shirt down awkwardly, aware that, apart from his boxers, he wasn't wearing much. Staring at the pale, washed out person reflected in the mirror, Niall half yawned as he muttered "Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you. Just puking my guts up over here....."

Playing with his shirt cuff, Liam avoided focusing on Niall's state of undress as he said "You didn't disturb me. I just wanted to see how you were......"

Rubbing his face, Niall leaned on this sink, one arm wrapped around his stomach as he mumbled "I'm fine. We're fine. Just wish the puking would stop. If I didn't disturb you, what time is it?"

Smiling softly at him, Liam smirked before saying "Half past ten. You slept until half past ten! I have no idea how, I was up at five thirty, and that's a lie in for me."

Swallowing some residual bile, Niall frowned, letting his hormones rule his mouth as he snapped "You don't need to sound so shocked. I was up until one, do you know how fucking uncomfortable I am right now? You put yourself in my shoes, then you can comment. If it's so late, what are you doing here anyway? You're normally gone by the time I'm up."

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm home, at my flat, today because I'd though I'd work at home for a change. If my presence here bothers you, I can always leave..." Spreading his hands in a conciliatory gesture as he spoke, Liam mentally counted to ten, not wanting to get in another fight with Niall.

People who say that fighting with a women was impossible clearly have never tried to win an argument with a hormonal, overly emotional twenty three year old guy.

Now that was impossible.

Watching a Niall stormed past him, Liam raised an eyebrow as he asked "What?"

Climbing back into his bed, Niall, choosing to ignore Liam's comment about the apartment still only being his, despite the fact that Niall had paid him rent, gave shot Liam his signature 'I-would-so-love-to-kill-you' glare before muttering "I can't deal with you right now. I swear to God, you're such a child at times."

"At times? So when am I not a child? When do I act like a child? When you're mad at me? When I'm not doing anything? Or only when you feel like insulting me?" Fidgeting with his shirt collar as he snapped back at Niall, Liam tried not to dwell on the glare Niall was shooting him as he mentally kicked himself.

Piss off the pregnant guy.

Great idea.

Or not.

Already knowing that he'd fucked that up, Liam mentally chalked up their scores, Niall 1, himself 0.

Flipping Liam off, Niall buried himself under the duvet, swearing to himself as he heard Liam retreating from his room.


Pacing around his study, Liam was in the middle of a conference call when he heard Niall shout "You fucking did what? Lou, please tell me you didn't."

Trying to ignore the distraction, Liam was about to speak when he heard an Irish accent shout "Louis, please, please tell me you didn't."

"I can't believe you! You called my mother? Why on earth did you do that, you fucking twat!" Setting his phone down, Liam rolled his shirt sleeves up, curious as to what was happening outside of his study.

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