Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 The Worsf

Malaysia POV

After my amazing sex filled night with Donte, I called Victoria telling her what happened. I was surprised she picked up this time.

"I'm glad you finally let him hit. That boy is crazy over you. He loves you Malaysia." She explained as I blushed

"Yeah I finally see that now."

"Well I gotta go but you better not mess up y'all relationship again."

"We good now. I promise" I stated

"Well bye Malaysia. Imma miss you foreal and tell Donte that too." She sadly stated

"Why? Where you going? I finally got in contact and now you're going ghost again."

"Don't worry about me Malaysia. Just please stay out of trouble and be happy. Life is too short literally for bullshit" she explained as I raised an eyebrow confused

"I understand that but why are you giving me a life lesson Victoria?" I asked as she sighed

"I just want you to be happy. Don't give everything you got to a boy that has continued to repeatedly hurt you and will leave you. Not just in a relationship but physically too" she explained talking about Tyree

"Victoria are you okay?" I asked concerned

"No I'm depressed. I just want you to know that I know everything that happened on my birthday. You're gonna have to tell Donte what you did soon."

"I can't do that" I admitted

"Malaysia it's not a secret. It's gonna come out soon and when it does you're gonna wish you had told him yourself" she explained as I sighed

"Okay I will" I stated

"Well bye"

"Victoria please stay safe" I begged

"No promises bye Malaysia" she repeated

"Bye Victoria" I stated before hanging up.

It was great finally having a conversation with Victoria but little did I know it'll be the last.

Donte's POV

After the conversation with August yesterday I decided to head to Atlanta with him. After we handled business August demanded that we went to the strip club.

"Bruh let's go check out Magic tonight"

"And how the hell are we gonna get into Magic? I'm 16 and you're 17" I asked

"I got fake ids. Nigga just calm down and follow my lead" he explained as we pulled into Magic. We got out and we got inside.

"I'm surprise your plan worked. Usually you have the stupidest plans" I stated as he gave me a cold glare

"Who should I get a lap dance from?" He asked as we looked around at the strippers until one caught our eye.


August POV

As I'm looking for a bitch to give me a lap dance I see China. At first I thought I was trippin until I realized I was fully sober. Now I can actually ask her what the fuck happened.

"Oh my god what are y'all doing here?" She asked looking scared

"I need to ask you that. China you are still declared a missing person in Nola" I explained as she looked away

"I can't go back. I swore I wouldn't" she explained as I shook my head

"The fuck you mean you swore you wouldn't go back. They're about to pronounce you dead if they don't find you"

"I can't go back. I just can't do it. I've almost been gone for half a year." She explained

"What the fuck happened to you? You know I got arrested because of you"

"Oh my god I'm sorry. It's so crazy how one day I'm placed at a different location and I only had two options. To stay here or be killed" she explained

"Who kidnapped you?" I asked

"I can't tell you. I'm trying to keep y'all safe trust me" she responded

"China we're really trying to help you. Tell us" Donte explained

"Well it wasn't just one person" she admitted

"Well name the first person" Donte suggested

"Brooklyn" she stated

"Brooklyn?!" Donte and I exclaimed

"But y'all were friends I thought" Donte stated

"Yeah me too but it's true. Now that I think about she was always jealous. I was the hottest dancer at the strip club in Nola but Brooklyn couldn't live with that so she got rid of me to get to the top. Jealousy can really kill." She explained as I shook my head

"Who else?" I asked as she sighed

"Mark. He was in too. I didn't understand why until I heard him discussing his plan. He's setting all of y'all up." She explained as I sucked my teeth. It was official I couldn't trust that motherfucker.

"Who else?" Donte asked

"Was it Victoria?" I asked

"Why would you say Victoria?" Donte asked confused

"Because I heard her talking about the kidnapping with the dudes from her party." I explained as Donte raised an eyebrow

"Nah it was only Brooklyn and Mark" she stated

"You sure?"

"Oh and Malaysia" she added bitterly as Donte and I looked at each other.

Happy New Year

1. Do y'all like when I give the other characters a POV?

2. How do y'all feel about China being back? Did y'all miss her?

3. How do you feel about Victoria?

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