Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 The Worst

August POV

I fixed my tie getting ready for church after about a year. I took a deep breath before turning around to Donte and Tyree.

"So we are having my party at your house right?" Tyree asked

"Yeah nigga. It's gonna be just like August's" Donte explained fixing his shirt.

"Nah August shit was dead. We gonna turn up bad. I'm finally eighteen." Tyree danced as I rolled my eyes while Donte laughed

"Man what the fuck y'all up so god damn early for?" Mark asked while a chick walked out his room and out the house.

"Church! Nigga you should try it some time." Tyree stated as Mark gave him a glare.

"Fuck you. Get in the car and I'll drive y'all there." Mark stated

"Why don't you just come with us?" Donte asked

"Yeah you ain't got shit to do" I added

"Man I ain't been to church in like 3 years" Mark stated

"Shit I ain't been there in 2 years. I just wanna see my mama" Tyree admitted

"Man we right by y'all side. We all ran away from church" I admitted as we all agreed and finished getting ready. After getting ready and driving there we hopped out the car staring at each other.

"I've never felt so judged in my life." Mark mumbled as we stared at the door.

"Donte you go first then August." Tyree suggested as him and Mark placed on shades. We all agreed and walked inside. The only problem was the fact that we were late and the sermon had already started. Everybody turned our way staring at us before we sat down. I heard murmurs but I just ignored them. I didn't look at my mom I just sat and listened.

After a few minutes after the sermon I looked at Tyree and Mark and noticed they had already fell asleep. I nudged Tyree causing him to become alert again.

"What nigga what?" He whispered looking around

"Wake yo ass up and wake up Mark" I whispered as he woke Mark up. After the preacher opened the doors he started talking.

"I can't tell y'all how happy I am to see Devonte, August, Tyrese, and Demarkus again." The preacher admitted as everyone clapped. I haven't heard Donte, Tyree, and Mark's government names in a long time. I looked at Mark and could tell he was a little mad since he hated when anyone would call him by his real name.

"Now if I'm not mistaking. One of them had a gift from God to sing. August do you mind ending us in a song?" He asked as everyone stared at me

"Nigga go I'm tired of everyone staring back here god damn." Mark whispered

"I don't remember any songs." I whispered

"If you don't get your ass up there and sing damnit." Tyree whispered

"Exactly hurry your ass up. People staring." Mark whispered

"Mayne chill with all the cussing y'all in church. Have some decency please." Donte whispered

"Shut the hell up Donte. Hell is in the Bible I can point it out." Mark whispered as I got up. Everyone clapped for me as I walked in front of the church grabbing the microphone. I looked around and seen the church was packed more than I've ever seen it.

I began to sing the first song that came to mind and stared at Mel, Chandra, and the girls. I saw Brooklyn and China in the crowd smiling at me and of course my other siblings were excited to see me sing. At the end I looked over at my mom and noticed her crying along with Tyree and Mark's mom. I ended the song with a standing ovation and sat back down. After all my compliments we all walked out.

The Worst (August Alsina Story) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now