Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 The Worst

Malaysia POV

"I don't understand how I'm suppose to forget about someone I'm constantly reminded of." Victoria whined as I rolled my eyes

"What do you mean please elaborate?" The therapist asked

"Everybody keeps telling me to let Tyrese go but I can't if I'm constantly reminded of him. Every time I go to school people constantly tell me "I'm sorry for your loss" "I'm sure Tyree loved you" "Tyree is in a better place now" "Tyree, Tyree, Tyree" and I'm sick of it." Victoria continued.

"I understand" the therapist stated as I sighed loudly

"Is there something you want to say Malaysia?" She asked

"Nah I'm good" I mumbled

"So Victoria why aren't you and Aaliyah friends?" she asked

"I don't even think we were ever friends to be honest. We stopped liking each other in elementary." Victoria responded as the therapist directed her attention to Aaliyah

"What about you Aaliyah?"

"I don't know what Victoria's problem with me was. She just started treating me differently for no reason." Aaliyah explained

"Aaliyah what you talking about?" Victoria interrupted

"Like in middle school you started treating me like you were better and I was just a ho or something cause of the rumors going around."

"You right I didn't want to be associated with someone who was known as a ho." Victoria admitted

"But you currently associate yourself with Malaysia."

"Excuse me" I interrupted

"It's funny how Tyree started those rumors but none of them were true" Aaliyah continued

"I doubt Tyree would say something that wasn't true" Victoria defended

"But he did. I don't see how you could say that when he cheated on you numerous times and lied about it. Tyree was an asshole last year and he somewhat improved this year."

"Shut up I'm not gonna let you down talk Tyree" Victoria defended

"This still doesn't explain why y'all aren't friends or don't like each other." The therapist interrupted

"I don't like her cause she doesn't like me" Aaliyah admitted

"Y'all sound petty and childish. Now can we forgive and move on. Y'all have to deal with each other whether you like it or not. Now I'm not telling y'all to become best friends but don't go around hating every little thing the other does." The therapist suggested as they looked at each other before giving a hug

"Now Victoria can you forgive Malaysia for what she did"

"I don't know cause we've been best friends since kindergarten and to know you did something like that even after you promised me you wouldn't hurts because you lied to me and you of all people know I got trust issues." Victoria explained

"But she forgave you after what you did." The therapist reminded her about the Jeremiah situation

"I do feel bad for it and I miss our friendship but that trust barrier is gone." Victoria admitted

"Malaysia do you have anything you want to say."

"I'm sorry I really am. I miss our friendship and I admit what I did was wrong. I've realized you got to appreciate friends when you have them cause it seems like I don't have any anymore." I stated as a tear fell from my eye

"Victoria will you forgive her?" The therapist asked Victoria as she nodded her head

"Yes I forgive you and I want to continue with some type of friendship." She stated as we hugged

"Now Aaliyah. I know it's not gonna be that easy forgiving Malaysia-"

"Cause it's not. She's done all this shit to me and as much as I want to forgive and forget I keep remembering and it still hurts"

"That's why you need to forgive. Always forgive, not because the other person deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace." The therapist explained

"But-" Aaliyah began

"Y'all need to talk it out. Right now you're angry and that wound inside is never gonna heal because you're hurt and you take your anger out on everyone else and they continue to hurt you. Forgive so you can move on and be happy and peaceful." The therapist explained as I looked up at Aaliyah.

"Look Aaliyah I'm sorry for everything. You ain't do anything to me to deserve it." I apologized

"I've been waiting on that apology" Aaliyah admitted

"But do you forgive her?"

"Yeah I do" Aaliyah mumbled

"Now hug it out and start acting like sisters as I go get everyone else."

August POV

I walked into therapy with China shaking my head. I honestly ain't see the point in going. I don't need therapy and the therapist annoying as fuck asking me all these fucking questions I don't know the answer to. Nosey ass bitch.

"I still don't see why I'm here" Mark stated as we all sat down.

"Mark if you want my help I need you to get a better attitude." She stated

"See that's the point I don't want your help and I don't see why I'm here" Mark continued

"Can I go now?" I asked the therapist

"August you just got here" she stated

"China why you set us up for this bullshit?" Malaysia spoke out

"Is this a problem for you Malaysia?" China responded

"Yes cause you just randomly appear in the clique and you start signing us up for shit" Malaysia continued

"Malaysia what did we just discuss?" the therapist asked

"Nah it's cool, Malaysia can I speak to you outside?" China asked as Malaysia rolled her eyes before walking out.

Malaysia POV

"Bitch what do you want? You're irrelevant." I admitted

"Look I've been trying to be nice to you but you ain't gonna stop til you see the bitch side come out of me."

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to shake your irrelevant ass for over age guys."

"Excuse me"

"What, did you forget your a stripper? You're better off being a prostitute"

"You better watch the way you talk to me before I whoop your bitch ass" she threaten

"I don't like or respect you so get the fuck out my face you dirty stripper" I stated before I was mushed in the face. I'm not gonna lie China was a good fighter and while she was throwing punches I was grabbing hair so I wouldn't look so pathetic. Soon Brooklyn and Mark walked out to break up the fight. I kicked her as she was being pulled away.

I'm not gonna lie. China won that fight but I was off guard so next time she need to catch me when I'm ready. Bitches keep hating cause I'm a real ass bitch. I can't help it that everyone else fake.

"What the hell is wrong with y'all? Brooklyn asked as China fixed herself up

"Man fuck this. You're still a dirty ass stripper bitch." I dissed before walking off.

I ain't really like the chapter so I'll post a better chapter later.

1. Do you think China deserved to fight Malaysia?

2. How do you feel about Malaysia, Victoria, and Aaliyah forgiving each other?

3. Would you trust Malaysia?

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