Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 The Worst

Malaysia POV

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I waited patiently before Donte appeared shirtless.

"Why the fuck you at my house again?" He asked with attitude

"Lose the tone"

"Kiss my ass" he stated closing the door before I stopped him

"Donte look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"I'm so tired of hearing your apologizes" he interrupted

"Donte don't treat me like this. I admit I haven't been myself these past months but the worst thing I could do is lose you as a friend." I explained

"You already have"

"Donte you gotta forgive me. I don't want our friendship to end this way."

"Well what you gonna do to change that?" He asked looking uninterested

"I don't have all the answers but I wanna be the girl you like. The one you fell in love with." I began as he sighed

"The cool laid back girl that was actually happy with her decisions." I continued

"Malaysia what am I gonna do with you"

"Hopefully forgive me" I stated as he sighed loudly again

"Malaysia why you keep doing this to me?" He asked shaking his head


"Playing with my emotions. You always apologizing but I never see improvement." He stated disappointed

"Im serious this time" I proclaimed

"You said that last time"

"I don't know how to gain your trust again" I admitted

"Maybe you should stop lying"

"Imma prove you and everybody else wrong. I'll change"

"Don't change for me Malaysia, change for yourself. That's been the problem. You've been changing for everyone else and you lost yourself along the way." He explained as I smiled that he wasn't being an asshole anymore

"Yay you went back to old Donte" I cheered

"You're the only person that could make me." He mumbled looking down

"Do I really have that effect on you?" I asked lifting his head up

"You got more of an effect on me than you think" he stated

"Why are you with her then?" I asked



"Malaysia don't start that shit" he stated looking to the side

"Well I'm just saying that something's wrong with this picture."

"Malaysia I don't feel like going through this"

"Well can I ask you one question"

"It better not be some bullshit" he stated as I stepped forward to him giving him a kiss. In surprise he kissed back before pulling away.

"Wait hold on that wasn't a question"

"You gave me my answer anyway without me asking. You still like me."

"I never said I stopped" he admitted

"I gotta go" I stated avoiding the awkwardness

"Yeah you should probably go"

Friday August POV

As the days went by police were still on the search for China and everything was awkward. Everybody was acting different lately and I ain't like it.

We sat at lunch like we usually did but this time it was silent.

"I don't see the point of being at lunch if we ain't gonna talk" I admitted

"What is there to talk about?" Aaliyah mumbled

"We could talk about why the police here" Mark stated as we all directed our attention to the two female officers walking in. They began walking around to different tables but I still ain't understand why they were here. Soon they stopped at our table.

"Are you August?" An officer asked as I nodded my head.

"Can you pronounce your last name for me?"


"Stand up for me" the officer stated as I stood up expecting them to search me for drugs or something. Instead I was in for another surprise. I looked at everyone around the table and they looked just as scared and confused as I was.

"Well Mr. Alsina you're under arrest" the officer stated grabbing my arm.

"The fuck you mean. Wait hold on are yall serious?" I asked expecting this to be one big joke until I saw the other officer pointing a gun at me.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present at questioning. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. You are now under arrest." The officer stated placing handcuffs around my wrist.

"Wait hold on is this serious? What the hell did I do?" I asked as they made me walk away. There I was embarrassed at the fact that I was just arrested in front of everybody. I ducked my head down as I was forced inside the police car that read New Orleans Police. At that moment I knew this shit was real and I was going to jail.

I don't know why half the time it doesn't say I updated

1. How do you feel about Malaysia and Donte now?

2. Do you think Malaysia is serious about changing this time?

3. Why do you think August was arrested?

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